
A Comparison of Psychoanalytic Formulations of Addiction and Cognitive Models of Addiction

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In this paper I will be comparing and contrasting the Psychoanalytic formulations of addiction and the Cognitive models of addiction. According to Dennis L. Thombs, “people tend to get psychoanalysis and psychotherapy mixed up. Psychotherapy is a more general term describing professional services aimed at helping individuals or groups overcome emotional, behavioral or relationship problem” (119). According to Thombs and Osborn, “Cognitive refers to the covert mental process that are described by a number of diverse terms, including thinking, self-talk, internal dialogue, expectations , beliefs, schemas and so much more” (160). I believe these two factors play a major part in an individual’s life that has an addiction.
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Albert Bandura said that the Social Learning Theory plays a major part of addiction. It also states that one also has self-direction. There are two consequences of behavior. There is reinforcement and punishment. As an individual, you also have the internal cognitive process. They are based upon prior experiences. Another step is Self-Regulation. Self-Regulation skill is necessary for an individual emotional wellbeing. The individual’s life is now regulated around their addictive behavior. Modeling is an observational learning concept in the social-cognitive paradigms. The person which is the cognitive mediating processes, the behavior and the environment.
Bandura said there are three of effect on behavior. Observational learning refers to the behavior that once didn’t exist in the individual’s behavioral life. Inhibitory/Dis-Inhibitory comes from seeing someone else do it. This is the reward and punishment stage. For example you see your friends drinking beer so you start to do it to because you think it’s cool. The reward from this would be the popularity this individual gains. The Response facilitation refers to the appearance of the behavior.
Although these two subject differ, they play a role together. Psychosocial interventions can alter behavior to the extent that they affect efficacy expectations
(Barry & Blow, 2012; Rotgers, 2012). These behavior can come from

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