According to the APA, psychologists of health have been instructing patients in ways to manage enduring diseases and in other ways that could help them to avoid the diseases that are for the most part preventable. They are able to help with this by using theories with in the field of psychology along with other research that is being conducted in order to aid with the advance of certain methodologies which could help patients with starting and maintaining a lifestyle that is both healthy and also provides the most chance of emotional and mental wellbeing” (Uyemura, B (2011.) According to, “a leading website in the study of addiction”, a major study was performed in the Epidemiologic Catchment Area that shows that in the …show more content…
Health psychologists strive to treat patients without medications whenever possible whether because of the risk of exacerbating the problem of drug abuse or as a result of preventing intentional overdose. Teaching patients with a chronic illness such as addiction or drug abuse, psychologists of health often use techniques that bring about reflection and eventually relaxation to help ease pains, stress and anxiety. This is just one of the several different treatment plans available by psychologists of health. Current psychological education programs within community: With the passing of the new health care reform act that mandatorily increases access to services provided by health psychologists, we have decided to add a psychiatry division that will employ four to five psychologists. As members of the Health Psychology Committee, we have been asked to assign duties to the health psychologists hired by the hospital to provide expert treatment and patient support in the new psychiatry division added to the hospital. With the addition of the psychiatry division, we hope to provide comprehensive therapy services to our patients who need help understanding their disease or illness. This new psychiatry division will also aid us in helping the family cope with the loved one’s illness or disease. After much research on health psychology and conferring with other hospitals that have a successful psychiatry division, the Health Psychology Committee has put together a list of duties for the five health psychologists who will run the psychiatry I have chosen to do my report on Obesity. In this paper I will include an introduction to Obesity and its psychology’s part in wellness. I will also include a present psychology training program in my City which trains people on Obesity.
My understanding of a credentialed veterinary technician is they are essentially a “nurse” to a Veterinarian. They are expected to do anything from assisting in surgery, managing anesthesia, drawing blood, administering medications, taking x-rays, cleaning teeth, interacting with clients, and so much more. They must be familiar with many different animal species and have the ability to restrain them. A Vet Tech must also deal with “bad days,” when an animal cannot be saved. As upsetting as this can be, ideally the good days outweigh the bad. Wherever there is a Veterinarian, there is a need for a Veterinary Technician. All animals, large and small, cold and warm, land or aquatic, sometimes need medical attention, and a Vet Tech is at the
Income and education are closely linked with health status. The __________ the poverty rate and the __________ the education level, the better the health.
As results of scientific research, we know that addiction is a disease that affects both the brain and behavior. A disease is an interruption, cessation, or disorder of a body system, or organ structure, or function; according to Stedman’s Medical Dictionary. (Sheff ,2013) cites, the disease od addiction has an etiologic agent, identified by a group of signs and symptoms or consistent anatomic alterations. There are significant changes in the brain. The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) states that addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristics biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations. This is reflected in an individual pathology pursuing reward and /or relief by substance use and other behaviors. (Addiction is characterized by inability to consistently abstain, impairment of behavioral control, craving, diminished recognition of significant problems with one’s behaviors and interpersonal relationships and dysfunctional emotional responses. Like other chronic diseases, addiction often involves cycles of relapse, and remission. Without treatment or engagement in recovery activities, addiction is progressive and can result in disability or premature death. (ASAM Adopted as Policy, February
put your opinion in e.g. I believe this perspective can help an individual who has a fear or phobia by seeing why the individual is so scared. I also think that the behaviourist perspective can help measure changes of a behaviour. On the other hand I feel that the behaviourist perspective doesn’t take in the biological perspective.
42. For each of the following mixtures, explain whether it is a solution or a heterogeneous mixture. For the solutions, identify the solute and the solvent.
Time allowed 1 hour 30 minutes Instructions Use black ink or black ball-point pen. Fill in the boxes at the top of this page. Answer all questions. You must answer the questions in the spaces provided. Do not write outside the box around each page or on blank pages. Do all rough work in this book. Cross
At the end of the course, it would only make sense that we turn to the question that we considered at the beginning of the course: What is addiction? Although the many decades of research on the topic have focused on many of the same topics, there are still disagreements on the answer to this question. Despite differences in opinion related to some of the most basics aspects in the field, there have been improvements in treatment and the way the topic is discussed. When I began this course, I was firmly ground in the belief that addiction is a disease, but there were some different parts of the course that have encouraged me to reexamine my initial understanding of addiction. This final paper will detail the process in which my beliefs at the
Wise and Koob state that addiction begins with positive reinforcement, habits, a person feels the “high” of the habit, however, then the tolerance sets in which conditions the brain for negative reinforcements and one increases the use to enjoy the habit (2014). According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (2012), drug addiction is a chronic brain disease. This disease is complex disease that is treatable, however it is a lifetime of treatment, sending many into relapses over and over again. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)
Addiction treatment is a complex and paradoxical issue. Despite the fact that most of the medical and academic institutions define addiction as a chronic brain disease, it is too often treated on an acute basis. Chronic conditions are defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as requiring ongoing management over a period of years or decades and cover a wide range of health problems. The goals of chronic care are not to cure, but to enhance functional status, minimize distressing symptoms, prolong life through secondary prevention and enhance quality of life.
There are also biological and genetic propensities for addiction such as genes that have been identified as taking part in the addiction process like some genes have been found to make a person more susceptible to a disease. Treatment is needed for this disease like any other disease. Sometimes medication to reduce the harm, like the AIDs cocktail or methadone treatment, is meted out to offset the disease. Healing other mental issues and behavioral changes can be beneficial also.
Differentiate between Freud and Erikson's approach to psychoanalytic theory in this lesson. You will examine and compare developmental stages side by side and have the opportunity to test your knowledge with a quiz at the end.
The three models of addiction examined in this week’s readings include the medical model, the psychosocial model, and the disease of the human spirit model. The medical model “rests on the assumption that disease states are the result of a biological dysfunction, possibly one on the cellular or even molecular level” (Doweiko, 2012, p. 333). Many consider this model and “maintain that much of human behavior is based on the interaction between the individual’s biological predisposition and the environment” (Doweiko, 2012, p. 333). Individuals under this model view free will “as an illusion” (Doweiko, 2012, p. 333). There is controversy regarding this model as “to the degree to which the
This learner believes that behavior and addiction should be accepted as the same as addiction to substances. Working in a substance abuse recovery program has allowed this learner to understand addiction as a behavior. Many individuals have a substance abuse addiction and issues because of their behavior. They have made a choice to use substances and their behavior has taken over their life. Overall, this learner believes that all addictions are just as important as a substance abuse addiction. In fact, it should not be considered the same type of illness despite of it being a food, sex, or even gambling addiction. However, the addictions have to be treated differently based on the type and the individuals. According Smith (2012), “Developing brain science brain science has set the
In Addiction Training in Clinical Psychology: Are We Keeping up With the Rising Epidemic?, the authors and researchers discuss clinical psychology and its effectiveness when dealing with addiction. Clinical psychologists have always had an interest in addiction and its treatments. With treatments being focused into evidence-based aspects, the American Psychological Association and the Nation Institutes of Health formed programs such as the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Programs like the NIAAA and NIDA focused on alcohol and substance abuse and how different treatments worked and their effectiveness. Grants had been offered for psychology graduate students in
Developing countries tend to be located in the global south wile developed countries are located in the global north. In the 1980s neoliberalism took full swing and focused on an open economic market, and the creation of institutions. It created the Bretton Woods institutions in order to spread American values and promote economic growth through privatization of state owned enterprises. “The last 25 years has seen the most rapid, and most broad-based, growth in developing countries, ever” (Dervis, Kharas). Globalization has facilitated the spread of neoliberal ideology across the globe through an economic international trading system. For example, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with regional partners, such as Mexico, promoted an open approach to the economy and provided important benefits for both countries. Another example, was the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) that includes over a hundred countries.