
A Critical Analysis Of Ernest Hemingway 's '

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A Critical Analysis of Ernest Hemingway’s “In Another Country” In the short story, “In Another Country” Ernest Hemingway writes about wounded soldiers who are trying to recuperate and come to terms with their losses as they face everyday struggles within themselves. During World War I, an American who is sought to be a man named Nick Adams, according to critique Mazzeno, is joined together with other soldiers much alike him and meets with them every afternoon in the hospital of Milan, Italy to be healed by machines they used to regain their physical ability. In fact, the reader may assume that they are troubled by what the war has caused them this story has a deeper meaning in a way Hemingway describes each man with different losses they tend to face. However, a closer analysis of the story describes not only the American but also that the Italian major undergo the struggle of their losses not only to be physically but mentally and emotionally. According to Mazzeno after the United States entered World War I Nick quit his job with the Kansas City Star and went to Italy as a red cross volunteer. While on duty he then became wounded on volunteer work by assisting Italian soldiers he then spent a couple of weeks in the hospital of Milan. With further research, it is stated that Hemingway tells the story of his personal experience by portraying himself to be Nick Adams by showing the value of the different losses they undergo and overcame. Hemingway describes their similarity

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