
A Day On My Life

Satisfactory Essays

The day was August 23, 2010. It was a cool foggy Sunday morning. Little did I know, this day would have such a significant impact on my life. I was awakened abruptly. I wiped the sand out of my eyes and looked at the clock. It was only 8:00 a.m. Why were my parents waking me up? I didn’t have to get up for school. They got me up and told me to dress quickly, still tired and confused I did what they asked and put on a comfy t-shirt and my favorite jeans. After putting on my clothes, lacing up my shoes, and putting my hair in the usual ponytail I had woken up enough to ask what was going on.
My mom started yelling, “The kidney! The kidney! They called! He has to go to the hospital right away! They found a match!”
Although I was young, I knew what this meant. My dad’s kidneys had failed when I was a baby and he was forced to do dialysis three times a week. It took many hours out of the week. Precious hours I had wanted to spend with my dad. The dialysis caused him to be very weak. I didn’t get to run and play with him like most kids get to do with their fathers. He was too sick and weak. He did not have near as much muscle as he had before. He also had to change his diet and lifestyle to accommodate for his health issues. This included being put on several different medications. He had been put on a list to get a transplant and after years of waiting, this was the day. This was the day my life would change for the better. The day my whole family’s life would change for the

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