
A Day That Changed My Life

Satisfactory Essays

“You should never regret anything in life. If it's good, it’s wonderful. If it’s bad it’s experience” by Olivia Holt. In that being said I try to live my life day by day not letting other people or other things stop me from being who I want to be. Sometimes I forget that quote and let things get in the way of my happiness or get in the way of what I want. I have to remind myself and move on from the bad things that have happened. I chose to believe that bad things that take place in my life is teaching me and shaping me to become a better person. I like to believe that some people are blessings and others are lessons and that no matter what happens life goes on. A day that definitely impacted my life was the day that I was born which took place on January 30, 2004, in Westerville, Ohio. Two days earlier the doctor had told my mom that everything looked good and that I was in the right position. The morning of the 30th my mom got up and went to work. She wasn’t feeling real well. By lunch time when she still hadn’t felt my brother and I moving she called the doctor. He told her to go to the hospital immediately. My mom was monitored and watched closely by the nurses until the doctor could get to the hospital. What should have been an easy normal delivery quickly became an emergency c-section. Not only did I turn upside down but I was backwards. At 4:59 pm I was pulled out of my mom’s stomach. Two minutes later my twin brother was born. My mom said that if I had light hair

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