
A Day's Wait And Stolen Day

Decent Essays

Compare and Contrast Family is not just important. It is worth everything. They will always be there. The passages “A Day’s Wait” and “Stolen Day” are both stories about boys who either suffer sickness, or think that they are. Some similarities and differences in this story include setting, sickness, and characters traits. The first difference in this set of stories is the setting. The setting in the story “A Day’s Wait” is very different from the story “Stolen Day.” The background of the story gives the setting. The setting for the story “A Day’s Wait” is, “In this story, they are back in the United States” (Hemingway 299). This means, as it says, these characters lived in the United States at the time of this story. In “A Day’s Wait,” the story takes place in the house and outside (Hemingway …show more content…

Schatz is brave and he accepts what he thinks will happen. Evidence of this in the story is where it says that Schatz had been expecting to die all day because of a misinterpretation of what the doctor said about his temperature. The doctor took his temperature in Celsius, but he thought that it had been taken in Fahrenheit. However, he did not cry or complain until the day after he had learned about his misunderstanding (Hemingway 299-302). The boy in “Stolen Day” is completely different. The boy had wanted attention and lied to achieve it. In the story, it says, “It must be that all children are actors” (Anderson 304). Therefore, you can tell that he was acting the whole and never really was sick. The boy in “Stolen Day” is also does not like getting made fun of. Evidence of this in the story is when he says, “ I had a feeling that, if I said I had inflammatory rheumatism, Mother or my brothers and my sister Stella might laugh. They did laugh at me pretty often and I didn't like it at all” (Anderson 306). This quote exhibits his feelings about being made fun of. Ergo, the boys were different in character traits

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