
A Domestic Dilemma Character Analysis

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Carson McCullers’ usage of literary elements, including setting, character, and conflict, contributes to the overall development of the theme of patience that is present throughout the book. Martin Meadows, the protagonist in the story, is portrayed as a hardworking and persevering man with a great amount of love for his family; the story recounts a day when Martin arrives home from work to a mentally absent wife who is supposed to be taking care of the children. McCullers’ grants Martin Meadows the gift of patience in order to cope with the conflict and his drunk wife. Without the usage of these details and elements, the ideas presented in the story would not have been as powerful. “A Domestic Dilemma” is a story that is remembered and the purpose is made clear through McCullers’ usage of setting, description of character and development of conflict. The changing setting helps articulate a message of patience and perseverance, especially when describing how the setting affects the characters of Martin and Emily. Both Martin and Emily find themselves going through a similar adjustment, but they have different ways of coping with the change. Martin has to relocate his family due to changing circumstances in his job, and he doesn’t realize until after his company transfers him to New York that his wife is suffering. Emily then turns to alcohol to cope with her discomfort; this leads to issues within the walls of Martin’s home and therefore brings out Martin’s attributes of

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