
A Dragon In The Garage Rhetorical Analysis

Decent Essays

Is there really a dragon in the garage? The most convincing author was Shermer In “How Thinking Goes Wrong” because of all the facts, logos that he implemented in his article. He backed up all his statements with lengthy factual information that can be proved or be cited. The article did not appeal to any emotion but it was trustworthy because of its factual statements and certainty. The article was organized in topics with explanations and factual information to make the reader trust what was being stated by the author without a doubt. Shermer uses quotes from notable people to create trust with the reader so that they know he knows what he says is factual. Sagan in “With A Dragon In My Garage” was not convincing because of the lack of logos in her article. The passageway was short, humorous and to the point. She clearly is appealing to the audience’s emotions In this passage also known as pathos. Pathos is dangerous in factual articles because it leads to misguided trust. The reader will find themselves favoring an author because they get a friendly vibe from the reading. The author creates a friendly non-intimidating bond with the audience, which draws them in. Most decision processes are made up of emotional responses so she can still catch a lot of reader’s attention. In the end it comes down to if the author can prove the facts they a laying out for the reader in their passage. The first topic that both authors discussed was that we can shape our perception. In

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