
A Few Good Men By Erich Fromm And Stanley Milgram

Good Essays

The movie, A Few Good Men, is the story of how two marines go on trial for the murder of another marine. The movie then unfolds into an emotional drama which dives deep into conspiracy and the psychodynamics of following orders. A Few Good Men was a critically acclaimed movie and was nominated for multiple Academy Awards. Similarly, authors Erich Fromm and Stanley Milgram, wrote essays that explored the morals behind obedience, and how disobedience of immoral commands can bring betterment to others. Although A Few Good Men presents disobedience as being a vice, evidence from Milgram and Fromm suggest that disobedience can bring about an improvement on current conditions. In A Few Good Men, both Lance Cpl. Harold W. Dawson and Pfc. Louden Downey were obedient to Col. Nathan R. Jessup’s order to give Santiago the Code Red, even though it went against their preset morals. Dawson saw, through his own conscience, that hurting another person because of small mistakes was immoral. But because of his believe in the marines code, “Unit, Corp, God, Country,” he was unable to allow himself to disobey a direct order. Author Milgram explored this same issue in his experiment. He asked why people followed orders no matter the negative effects it has on other people. In the study, roughly 60% of the test subject followed all orders to harms others. After the studies, Milgram inferred that this was because people have an underlying fear of disobeying a superior and do not trust their own

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