
A Cumpolsory Action in the Movie A Few Good Men Essays

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Even as people call themselves individuals and claim to do as they please, it is in their encoding to follow a simple command from a superior even if it objects their own judgement. In a simple experiment, such as that performed by Stanley Milgram, one command can make or break your own sense of self. Even if the command isn't compulsory, as seen by the marines in the movie A Few Good Men, orders can be extremely hard not to follow. A Few Good Men depicts the court case of two marines, Private First Class Louden Downey and Lance Corporal Harold W. Dawson, who had been ordered to perform a "Code Red" on a fellow marine, Private First Class William T. Santiago. Stanley Miligram, a 1970's psychologist who wanted to test obedience in …show more content…

I believe I was right sir, I believe I did my job, and I will not dishonor myself, my unit, or the Corps so I can go home in six months... Sir (Reiner, Rob)." The code meaning that they would protect in that order. If one marine was slacking, it would affect the entire unit. Without the unit, they could not follow the order. So it was Dawson, and Downey's job to train Santiago, a marine who was failing in his duty, as ordered by Col. Nathan Jessep. This order was known as a "Code Red", an unofficial illegal order by someone to train a marine who is falling behind. It is not stated anywhere in the marine handbook, it is just known. As Milgram would say it is because Jessep was seen as an authority figure, and that was why the boys followed the order. It is also know, that a good marine is to follow orders. It is instinct that they follow orders, being a marine is hard worker and listening not matter the consequence could save lives. It is instilled into them to act first, think later. This is exactly what Downey and Dawson did. They were given the code red, and followed the order. Whether they meant to kill Santiago or not, they were to follow the order and to train him to become a better marine. Milgram would have stated that in the situations the safety of the men, and of the country would relay on these men. Thus they would listen to

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