
A Glass Ceiling Study Conducted By Barragan, Mills, And Runte Essay

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Women in Top Management
Historically, the image of the model worker was designed by men, for men. Therefore, many women in leadership disguise themselves in order to create a sense of belonging in male-dominated fields. As a result, many women adapt by downplaying gender and adopting male-like mentalities and personas (Barragan, Mills and Runte, 2010). In a glass ceiling study conducted by Barragan, Mills, and Runte (2010), many women in top Mexican management positions did not challenge the glass ceiling, but developed the sameness perspective to acclimate into the masculine occupation. Marshall (1993) describes this “sameness” perspective as a coping mechanism women use to defy the importance of gender. These coping strategies later create problems that are unavoidable, such as the paradox of child bearing (Adams and Demaiter, 2009). Many women believe that top managment is often a choice between having a family and pursuing a career (Barragan, Mills and Runte, 2010).
Nevertheless, women who assimilate and take on these “male-like” qualities are able to make occupational gains; yet they face gender and other social barriers in the work place. For example, Adams and Demaiter (2009) explored the successful experiences of women in information technology. The scholars found that these successful women recognized their success, but denied the fact that they have experienced gender inequality, while unknowingly identifying incidents where gender did seem to be an issue. These

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