People define the word “hero” differently. Some see them as a dragon slayer that has been tormenting the hero’s village, or someone who sneaks into a booby-trapped cave trying to retrieve a precious stone while simultaneously trying to stay alive. Others see them as someone that flies over their home city saving a baby from a bunch of armed burglars, fighting them with laser vision. Merriam Webster defines it as a “mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability.” It also states that a hero is similar to a warrior or a knight. The fact of the matter is, heroes come in different forms. A hero is someone who puts others before themselves. They possess heroic attributes that make them seen …show more content…
Another thing that my mom does that makes her my hero is she cheers me on when I am struggling at accomplishing a task. A time my mom showed this heroic quality was when I was doing a rushed job on my assignments in a class and she noticed that was not putting enough effort into them, causing me not to reach my goal of receiving good grades. My mom coached me and told me to not slack off and to try my hardest in that class because I had so little time left. Thanks to her, I was able to achieve this. She encourages me to do my best all the time. Without her, I wouldn’t be as successful as I am now. She doesn’t forget to remind me everyday that nothing makes her happier than seeing me and my siblings succeed and by trying our hardest in school. My mom is my personal hero because she puts me before herself, showing that she cares about me.
A historical legend that will not be forgotten is Martin Luther King Jr. He was arguably the reason why racial equality exists today. Martin Luther King Jr. possessed qualities that make him a historical hero such as perseverance, kindness, and peacefulness that make him a historical hero. He made numerous speeches on why African-Americans should have just as many rights as anyone else has. Martin Luther King Jr. represented all African-Americans, and fought his hardest to gain rights not only for him, but for everyone. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be
Heroes come in different shapes, sizes, and looks. Maybe someone you saw on the street one day was heroic for saving someone’s life in a car accident. A hero to me is someone who can be brave in situations that aren’t so safe, and take a risk to make sure everyone is okay, no matter who
Hero is an honorable noun and is used to describe the people who are heroic or having heroic traits. Hero can be defined in many different ways, which only depends on how people think of it. Every time when children mention hero, they are probably thinking of the superheros in the movie, such as Superman and Batman. But they might be describing their own dads.
A hero is defined in classical mythology as a man, especially the son of a god and a mortal, who is famous for possessing some extraordinary gift. Beowulf, the title character of an epic poem and Superman, a more modern day hero are both prime examples. Beowulf and Superman exhibit several differences, but they also share some similar qualities.
Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parks are two examples of a historical heroes. According to, “Through his activism and inspirational speeches he played a pivotal role in ending the legal segregation of African-American citizens in the United States, as well as the creation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.” In other words, King did not sit all day and watch African-Americans get treated unequally, due to the color of their skin. He took action and stood up for what he believed in. This took a great deal of courage and determination because, people involved in these peaceful protests, suffered from violence and harassment. Additionally, Rosa Parks is a prime example of a hero who not once lacked
What is a hero? What qualities does he or she have? In our modern lives when we think of a hero we think of nurses and soldiers, but according to the American Heritage Dictionary, a hero in mythology and legend is a man or woman, often of divine ancestry, who is endowed with great courage and strength, celebrated for his bold exploits, and favored by the gods. A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life.
To most of society, a hero is one who is courageous, honest and acquires worthy qualities. There have always been heroes whether they are not here today, a modern day hero or a hero in literature. Those who advocate for the cause they believe in are heroes, they are able to use their own platform for people who are not able to. To most, people who are courageous and inspiring are seen as heroes especially when describing an epic hero. An epic hero are usually people in an epic poem awarded for their achievements and have strong and noble qualities. A hero shows great courage and strength like Beowulf, Michael Brock, from The Street Lawyer, and Michelle Obama who are great inspiring advocates that have gained trust from the people they advocate for.
There are many interpretations of what describes a hero and the actions they take. Whether it's selfless individuals that protect others against harmful entities or powerful figures in costumes that depict moral greatness and power fantasies, everyone has their own vision of what constitutes a hero. Like many of our own thoughts and opinions, these visions often stem from the environment and upbringing of the people that have them. A fantastic example of this aspect of our thoughts is the way George Orwell described a hero. He views a hero as someone who will do whatever they can to change social systems that lack respect for human decency, even if they know it is impossible to create such change.
When you look up hero in the dictionary it reads: a person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. If you were to ask a five year old what he or she thought a hero was, they would give you an answer like Superman or Captain America. I probably would have given the same type of answer. Now that I’m older, I have a better understanding and different outlook on the word “hero.”
A hero is a man of courage and ability who is admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. A hero is a person who does not come along very often in any time period. He is a special person, who is a step above the average person in the way that he handles any situation that may arise.
A hero is something that society has formed an idea about the characteristic it should posses from history. Through the stories told from the past a hero is developed through their qualities and characteristics they value. When one views a hero from a different culture they can form an opinion on what matters to that culture. One will notice that through all these different heroes that they all share common features. In ancient Hebrew culture Moses represents a hero and for ancient Greek culture Odysseus represents heroic figures.
A hero is a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, and/or noble qualities. A hero doesn’t have to be a fictional character. Heroes can be found in the real world too. CNN Hero of 2014, Chad Pregracke is known as a hero. This is because he is highly self sacrificing when it comes down to keeping the Earth clean. Odysseus, from the epic poem “The Odyssey”, is known as a hero also. The reasoning behind this is because on his way back home to Ithaca, he overcomes many obstacles and shows many traits while doing this. Chad Pregracke and Odysseus both display a number of heroic qualities.
What is a hero? Many generations have pondered this question and each has their own definition. Some look at people like Joan of Arc and Charlemagne as heroes, others see super stars and pop artists as heroes. But one can only, truly be a hero if they are selfless, if they are humble, and if they suffer. Take Bilbo Baggins, from J. R. R. Tolkien’s epic novel, The Hobbit, for example. Many would and do not look at him as a hero, but more of a journeyman or burglar. But if you look deeper, you will see that he is indeed a hero.
When the word "hero" is spoken, everyone has different thoughts. Some will think of super powers like flying and saving people from villains; while others have a certain person they know or have heard of that come to mind who have done something to make a difference in the lives of others but who is a hero to you? To answer this question you must first ask yourself what a hero is; what comes to your mind when someone says the word. When I am confronted with these questions I always have the same thoughts; smart, strong will power, and someone who stands up for what they believe is right.
Everyone has their own idea of what a hero is and what a hero does. Most people think that guys like superman and batman are heroes because they have incredible superpowers and they are famous people who receive glory. Many people describe heroes as strong and indestructible people, however, heroes are actually not always famous and they are not always the way that society portrays them. In fact, most heroes are ordinary people who do extraordinary things and have notable traits for society to follow. Although heroes are mostly overlooked or misinterpreted by many people, a hero is always a courageous, selfless, and persistent person who has the determination to create change for the better.
My mom is my hero because she works hard for her family. my mom will go out of her way to get us stuff. she gets us whatever we want and need even if it's hard to get it. my mom is a hard working lady. she always works to get us the stuff we need. and to support our family. clearly my mom is my hero because she works