
A Justifiable War Essay

Decent Essays

A Justifiable War

"Was the booby-trap theirs or ours?" "And his question was the answer."-Bryan Alec Floyd. Throughout history there has been a countless number of wars. Some in the name of God or some other holy figure, others have been for noble things such as freedom, and some have been for simple things such as money and land, but for which one of these issues is it justifiable to lead men to their deaths for? When talking of just causes of warfare within the last thirty years many people think of Vietnam and whether or not it met up to the standards of a "good" war. To fully understand a war one must first understand its causes. For Vietnam to have taken place it needed certain volatile elements, which at that time …show more content…

The first example of a "justified" war brings us to The Revolutionary War in America during the late 1700's. In this war the colonial Americans wanted independence from the British who ruled over them. There were many reasons given for the revolution taking place. Some reasons were things such as taxation without representation, not being able to travel and expand into the Appalachians, and that the ruling king had "established absolute Tyranny over the States". All of these reasons are well justified and give good reason to revolt against their government. The people of the States were being taken advantage of and were all out of options, it was either sit there and get beat upon or fight back. Although the American colonist was fairly prosperous on the average, the weight of taxes had become unbearable. From this example we now have one reason in which war is justified; when your ruling government has become tyrannical in nature. Our next example brings us to the Civil War, which also took place in America, but was about a century later. This war was based upon the idea of freedom in many senses. The North wanted to free the slaves of the South and wanted to abolish slavery while the South relied so desperately upon slavery and had built its way of life around the institution. Before we identify the

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