
A Leg To Stand On And My Own Country By Oliver Sacks Compare And Analysis

Decent Essays

In Oliver Sacks’s memoir A Leg to Stand On and Abraham Verghese’s memoir My Own Country, both men struggle through different personal situations within their lives. Both are on journeys towards acceptance— Sacks has more of a self-acceptance journey, and while Verghese’s his fight is for the acceptance of AIDS patients and gays within his community, as well as his own acceptance as the doctor of these patients.
Oliver Sacks’s journey strives towards self-acceptance— he must overcome his leg injury and the struggles which this injury provides in order to succeed with his life. At the beginning of his memoir, Sacks is confident and sure of himself. He states “I foresaw no particular problems or difficulties” (Sacks, 1) and “I forged ahead…blessing my energy and stamina” (Sacks, 3). This confidence changes rapidly once he is injured, when he believes he is going to die, as it leads him to resort to desperate measures to get himself to safety. His attitude changes once he is at the hospital, where Sacks feels “a dread of something dark and nameless” (Sacks, 26). He is helpless under the care of his doctors— his leg has no feeling, yet the doctors persist in telling him that it is fine, “surgically speaking” (Sacks, 80). The doctors’ refusal to acknowledge Sacks’s lack of feeling begins to wear Sacks down, and he starts to believe that his leg will never work again, putting him in a place of despair. However, with the start towards Sacks’s changed mindset, he learns to walk

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