
A Long Way Gone Essay

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Some people read books just for the fun of it, others place the books in their heart because it was so intense and special to them. A Long Way Gone written by Ishmael Beah is a book that earns special places in readers’ heart when they read to the last page of the novel. The novel was one of a kind and achieve its great purpose of showing the problem that affecting children all around the world. The themes of war, love and hope contribute in this novel making A Long Way Gone comparable to other novels. Everyone should read this novel because an individual can relate to the situations that Ishmael faces, how war affects children around the world and the figurative languages Ishmael use is almost imaginable. A Long Way Gone is a raw, honest depiction of war and violence, but it is a unique autobiography written by Ishmael Beah. Ishmael (at the age of 12) had an ordinary life with his …show more content…

The reader could likely relate to at least some of the situations Ishmael faces. One can relate to hunger around the world that put many people in starvation. Hunger is a serious problems because numerous people are facing it every day. Ishmael describes in chapter 4 in detail “we got hungrier day after day, to the point that their stomachs were hurting and their vision blurring at times” (27). This is the effects of starvation when food gets scarce or when food is not abundant. Ishmael and his friends stole food from various people in order to fight starvation and survive the day to day journey. A reader can also relate to Ishmael have losing his family. In chapter 21, Ishmael writes “He looked at me and I could see in his eyes that he had given up hope” (208). In this chapter, Ishmael’s uncle Tommy die leaving Ishmael alone again. An individual can relating to his somber feeling because everyone have lost love ones. The feelings of losing a love one is incomparable because no one wants to lose ones that they

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