
A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Bech Essay

Decent Essays

This memoir about a boy soldier was very condescending. This was a true story for the author, Ishmael Beah and his life-changing events that occurred in his past. Ishamel Beah was a twelve year old African boy who lived in Sierra Leone Africa who fled attacking rebels due to a civil war in his country, who wandered into different villages trying to avoid the violence that seemed almost inevitable. He sauntered along with his brother and friends who scraped by day-by-day scavenging for food and struggled for survival. In the fifth chapter of the book, Beah describes the struggles he went through by saying, “…our joints weakened and ached” (p. 30). After days of traveling, Beah was eventually taken by the group of rebels and became one of …show more content…

When Ishmael Beah was back in Sierra Leone, his villages were taken over by a rebellious group and slaughtered his family along with others. He traveled for days with his brother and friend and then was taken and transformed into a boy soldier who was convinced to seek revenge on the death of his own family. This book really shows the transformation in him when he’s in New York in the middle of a mob of protestors and must restrain himself from anger. When he’s put into this position, he tries not to remember the time when he was a soldier and hold back those feelings in his inner self. What Ishmael Beah wants us to know is that people can change no matter the struggles and it takes fight and courage despite the events that have happened in your past. In the first chapter, Beah starts off with an allusion about a movie called Rambo: First Blood. He was sharing his knowledge on what he knew about war and that this movie was the only thing he knew and what happens in war. In the text he says, “The only wars I knew of were those…” (p. 5). The author uses this device to show us how much he really knew about war only being 10 years old. The only thing he knew about war was from what he’s read and watched about Rambo. He chooses an allusion because it is something that most audience members can refer to and can comprehend the same knowledge that Beah had when he was taken from the Rebels. Not only is this an allusion but also a

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