
A Look at the Conflicts of the Juvinile Court System in “No Matter How Loud I Shout” by Edward Humes

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The book “No Matter How Loud I Shout” written by Edward Humes, looks at numerous major conflicts within the juvenile court system. There is a need for the juvenile system to rehabilitate the children away from their lives of crime, but it also needs to protect the public from the most violent and dangerous of its juveniles, causing one primary conflict. Further conflict arises with how the court is able to administer proper treatment or punishment and the rights of the child too due process. The final key issue is between those that call for a complete overhaul of the system, and the others who think it should just be taken apart. On both sides there is strong reasoning that supports each of their views, causing a lot of debate about the …show more content…

What judgment should be used to best serve the needs of both the public and the juveniles, and who to place it upon. Judges like Roosevelt Dorn, who frequently showed his contempt of the current juvenile justice methods, but was the best advocate for the treatment of the children. I think his method is one of the best ways to reform the system through early prevention and more rehabilitation. The district attorney’s office was often prosecuting on the word of often subpar investigations and evidence, due to a lack of funding. The adult court transfers are not the most effective way to reduce more juvenile crimes, although for extreme delinquents I think it is the best way to sentence them. The transfers do not do anything to prevent more crime; they just reduce some of the workload of the overloaded juvenile system.
Ronald Duncan is one prime example of the failings of the juvenile court. It is the one case written about in the book, that the juvenile system has virtually no chance of saving the juvenile from further crime. It also happens to be the one case in which the juvenile court couldn’t transfer the child into adult court, and therefore could not sentence him to a harsh enough sentence. Duncan was charged with two counts of first degree murder, not many days before his sixtieth birthday. When after a night working at Baskin’Robbins the owners, a husband and wife, were going to drive Duncan

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