
A Lot Of People Dream Of Going Canoeing Or Kayaking. These

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A lot of people dream of going canoeing or kayaking. These are definitely excellent ways not only to break your monotony in life but also to get yourself into shape. But most of these wannabe paddlers find it difficult to pursue their hobbies as they fail to find like minded companions and don 't really know where or how to hone their skills. Furthermore, it is always safer to have company in adventure sports. Here we are listing down five steps that you can follow to get started with your long cherished dream. 1. Attend Canoe and Kayak Festivals & Expos Attending canoe and kayak festivals is the best way to build your network. You will find nice venues, professional paddlers, free lessons, new equipments and more importantly like minded …show more content…

You can also swap your gear with others to have a feel of what suits you right. You can do this at any paddling event and you will find out that most people don 't really mind swapping their gear for a change. 5. Take a Lesson Like any other skill, you can 't learn everything about paddling all alone or by randomly asking people. Enroll in a formal class on canoeing or kayaking to have a more systematic training. There are beginner 's lessons available for rookies. But advanced courses are also available. So take the course that suits you and follow your instructions diligently. On the other hand once you start considering yourself to be an expert, you can turn an instructor yourself and help others.
Oh, no, oh, no, my boat is broke. I hear this every once in a while at my job as a kayak salesperson/instructor. Hardly ever does a soft plastic boat come in with a life threatening injury. Usually some nut has been dragging their Old Town Otter over a cement driveway. Well, duh, who 's gonna win? The driveway or the soft plastic? But occasionally someone will come in with a crack in their Eddyline or Hurricane thermoformed kayak. Now these boats are tough, they 're made of a laminated ABS type plastic with an acrylic overlay. They 're very hard to break, and since they 're pretty most people don 't drag them around. But accidents happen and boats will break given the right circumstances. Paula 's pretty

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