
Which Biophysical Principles Did You Apply?

Decent Essays

• Which biophysical principles did you apply?

To learn how to perform a kayak roll I incorporated the use of the following biophysical principles: Biomechanics, Skill Acquisition, and Sports Psychology. Having the understanding of these and how they could help me to improve my roll was incredibly useful. Some problems I had when learning my roll was not being able to control my arousal levels when underwater, not having a wide enough sweep, and not rotating my torso enough to get to the finish position.

• How did the biophysical principles relate to your learning of the skills?
When I was in the cognitive stage of learning the roll I used Part method to learn the separate parts of the roll on their own with an instructor. I used this method because the kayak roll is a complex skill and requires different movements in order to complete it. Once I had learnt how to do the different parts of the skill I started to use whole part method where I would try to do a roll and then an instructor would give me feedback on what I was doing wrong and how I could change it so that I was more efficient with my movements. Once I was starting to actually get back up it meant that I was in the associative stage. In the associative stage I used distributed practise because the skill is very tiring and so I needed breaks in between each roll to catch my breath and reset myself, the breaks also allowed for me to get feedback from an instructor on how I could improve it more. As I got more

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