
A Midsummer Night's Dream Research Paper

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Love is shown and interpreted in different ways. In William Shakespeare’s novel Midsummer Night Dream, there are many kinds of relationship involving “love”. The theme of love is represented through the relationship between Oberon and Titania, love between Demetrius and Helena, Lysander and Hermia and the friendship love between Hermia and Helena. Oberon and Titania represent a romantic, mature and weathered love which the other lovers’ relationship lacks, but lack of trust is the source of their argument.The outcome of their love has a big influence on the play. Oberon and Titania are angry with each other over the fact that Titania will not obey him. For example, Oberon wants Titania to prove that she values his affection over the …show more content…

/The next thing then she waking looks upon, /Be it on lion, bear, or wolf, or bull, /On meddling monkey, or on busy ape,/She shall pursue it with the soul of love: /And ere I take this charm from off her sight, /As I can take it with another herb, /I'll make her render up her page to me.” ( 2.1.178- 185 ). Their love represents a power struggle between the two couples because they are equally matched. Oberon is vigorous and powerful while Titania is equally as headstrong and stubborn. He is jealous that the boy has the full attention of his wife and is and exacts a kind of revenge, but it is quite harmless and humorous in its intent. He clearly loves her and wants her all to himself again. There love is shown when Oberon feels the guilt upon placing the potion on his lover after seeing herself captivated by the man with the donkey's head. He decides to restore everything back to its natural place. When Titania wakes, she is astonished that she could have …show more content…

The love between Lysander and Hermia is that of a forbidden love. Unlike Oberon and Titania, they are at the beginning of their relationship. They believe they are deeply in love with each other will fight together against anyone who is opposed of their love. “The course of true love never did run smooth”( 1.1.134). They are forbidden by Hermia's father to be together and in addition to that, Hermia is forced to choose between marrying the man her father chose for her who is Demetrius, nunnery and execution.The love between Lysander and Hermia is unlike the love between Demetrius and Helena which is unrequited. Helena is in love with Demetris who neglects her, but loves Hermia and therefore is forced to chase him which is against her nature because it is the man that is supposed to do the chasing. Their relationship appears to be that of a cat and mouse. Quite ironic that Helena is a mouse, but instead of running away from the cat, she runs towards the cat despite the cat threatening her virginity and treats her cruelly. “ And/even for that do I love you the more./I am your spaniel. And, Demetrius,/The more you beat me, I will fawn on you./Use me but as your spaniel—spurn me, strike me,/Neglect me, lose me. Only give me leave,”( 2.1.202-206). Helena is so consumed with gaining Demerius’ love that she offers herself as a dog for him

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