
A Musical Presentation Of The Carroll Theatre Department

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Being in a musical is exciting, thrilling, nerve-racking, exhausting and magical. Every year Carroll Senior High School puts on a huge musical in the fall. We rehearse countless hours every day for months; spending hours memorizing lines, learning choreography and harmonies. Every day I would come home from rehearsal exhausted but excited to learn more. I counted down the days until we would open and when my friends and family could see it after all the hard work we put in. From the moment the cast list comes out to the moment the curtain opens we all have one goal: to put on an amazing show to entertain our community. The Carroll Theatre department puts on a fall musical every year through hard work and dedication to tell a story, entertain, and inspire the community. A musical is a theatrical play that tells a story with singing, dancing and speaking. Every year my school’s theatre department puts on a different musical on a weekend in either October or November. It is the biggest and most exciting production Carroll Theatre puts on. We audition, get cast, and rehearse for months. We open on a Thursday night, then have a show Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night and we have a matinee on Saturday and Sunday. The show is about two hours; it has two acts with a quick intermission in between. It is an exciting event that our community looks forward to every year. It takes many steps and a great deal of hard work to put on a musical. First, the directors decide on a show and

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