
A New Set Of National Patient Safety Essay

Decent Essays

In health care settings across the country patient care is compromised by various preventable mistakes. Health care workers (HCW) are continuously pushing the boundaries of time constraints. As these demands are increased the possibility for poor patient outcomes also increase. Prevention is the first line of defense and promotes healthy practices for HCW and patients. The Joint Commission (TJC) collects data pertaining to the incidences, information surrounding each case and establishes a national quality and safety standard. TJC accredits thousands of health care establishments with the goal to provide safety and increase the quality of care provided in each setting. In 2016 TJC released a new set of National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG). The goals are meant to bring awareness to the accredited facilities and HCW of concerning hazards that need to be focused on. For instance, using two identifiers when identifying a patient to prevent medical errors, and preforming hand hygiene to reduce the risk of infections.
Accuracy of Patient Identification
The Joint Commission, NPSG.01.01.01 is the goal for improvement of accurately identifying a patient. The use of two patient identifiers such as name, date of birth, or a type of security number that will assure the right patient gets the right treatment, care, or service. Complications that arise from misidentification of a patient may range from mild to Sentinel event. One could consider an occurrence such

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