
A New View Of Reality : The Universe As A Conscious Computer

Decent Essays

According to Gregg Braden, there is an energy everything is made of and it is named quantum energy. He says that under certain conditions human consciousness influences this energy, as we aren’t simple watchers, and that our expectations and beliefs about what we watch change our feelings and thoughts about it and we become a part of it.
As everything we experience is linked to what we believe, the author believes that shifting the way we use belief can change our lives. He says that our “belief waves” shape the quantum that everything is made from. “It makes us part of all that we see and experience, with the power to solve problems and find solutions. Through the power of human belief, we are given the ability to bring what we believe …show more content…

In 1944, Max Planck said that there is a “matrix” of energy that provides the blueprint for our physical world. Some simply call it the “field”, others the “mind of God”. This is the missing link that bridges our spiritual experiences of belief, imagination, and prayer with the miracles that we see in the world around us.
Thinking about the Universe as a consciousness computer and how the right atoms bump into the right other atoms, we conclude that we are the product of energy, movement, and matter touching matter, says Gregg Braden. He also declares that, as in a computer program, nature uses a few simple, self-similar, and repeating patterns – fractals – to build atoms into the familiar patterns of everything, from elements and molecules to rocks, trees, and us.
According to his theory, when we think of the Universe as a computer, consciousness itself becomes the operating system. And to transform reality, we must alter the programs themselves, what we call “beliefs”. Belief becomes the software. He says that the first step in awakening the force of belief in our lives is to understand precisely what it is and how it works.
The author questions if our role as “participators” could explain mysteries such as spontaneous remission of disease or miraculous healings. He affirms that there’s a scientific reason for healing without medicine, and it may be represented by the placebo

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