A New Way for Reading: Google Book The Beginning of Story After the end of the 18th century, all knowledge has already been divided into different fields. Library is a place for collections of books, magazines or some materials including knowledge of all fields. No matter you want to learn math or history, all people can enter there for learning more. People may say, Google online library which is called “Google book” is an innovation in academic world without hesitation. Google scanned a lot of books from major libraries into electronic edition in order to make them more convenient for readers. It breaks rules in traditional libraries. It creates a new academic world for all the people who can access to Google. People could read more …show more content…
On the contrary, an electronic book will be sent to your email address or your electronic devices after only a few minutes. However, nowadays some people still have habits of collecting books. Some of the books will be added value after few years. It can be resold if you own a physical book. It is more harmful to people’s eyes when they read electronic books. It is not necessary for people to buy devices if they only read physical books. In a word, according to data digital reading has been reading trend now although some social media appeal to people not to lose passion on physical books. (Fortune, 2015) The Importance of Academic Atmosphere When people mention Republic of Letters, there were no police, no boundaries, and no inequalities at that time. (Robert Darnton, 2009) There was a period which is called cultural and intellectual expansion in China as well. The era was very important because of the Golden Age of Chinese thought and the Contention of a Hundred Schools of Thought, such as Confucianism and Taoism. Many of classical theories still have great influences on lifestyle and social consciousness of Chinese. (China Travel, 2017) Due to all mentioned before, people will see the importance of creating a free and relaxing atmosphere for encouraging people to learn more. Actions for Making Google Book Better Amazon, Yahoo and Microsoft decided to fight against Google book together because Google book had cataloged
Rabury’s prophecy about society and books today is correct that most people honestly don’t check out or buy a book and read it anymore. The world is so focused on social media including; facebook, twitter, and instagram that they don’t use their free time to read, but to tweet or update their status. Technology has gotten more interesting, and even when some people to read, they can find the book online.
As the world continues to advance technologically, the demand and interest of books will continue to decline. If we aren’t careful we could end up like the society in Fahrenheit 451 where books are banned. In Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury’s central argument is that the tv and radio and other technologies will make the general populous forget about books in order to get a more immediate high. This in turn will turn the people into empty shells without emotions or any complex thought.
Books have impacted and used our most needed resource in the world which is trees. Books have caused deforestation which has taken away beautiful scenery views, oxygen, and protection for some homes. Obsolete books would help the world from this cause and save a lot of people and animals. Trees need
Declines in reading is growing larger and larger as time goes on. The author showed this by using a survey that was taken in 2002. It stated “declines have been most severe among younger adults… ages 18-24”. If the younger adults arent intrested in reading, then they won’t push that love onto their children one day. This then starts a trend of literature rates droping fast.
Most of today’s society consist of electronics. It is very rare that you see someone reading. The people that you see reading, are reading on a device. Paperbacks are hardly ever used today. If these technology inventions weren’t created, there would be more people reading.
It is probable that books will become obsolete. Printed books are not the most effective nor economical way of transmitting information. Books are vulnerable to being easily destroyed or
Technology is used around the world and is a valuable resource used in our society but our society has surrendered valuable reading to technology.
Most can admit that the soft white glow of a screen, filled with quick motions, conversations, and vibrant colors is far more intriguing and draws people like moths to a flame rather than the wordy and numerous pages of any literary work that has to make them think. For many, reading has become a chore when every fact, opinion, abridged book, show, or even funny cat pictures and other irrelevant and distracting thing is readily available to clutter and scatter thought. Technology caused people to abandon intelligent thought, books, and things that in the past were valuable. The display of people’s reaction reading a passage from a book and their blatant disgust towards it, to the simple lack of desire for reading a book is
Those who are unlikely to use e-books are hispanic people without high school diploma, the unemployed, rural Americans, and people who have an income lower than $3,000 and that without libraries the division on who reads e-books and those who don't would be greater(source C). Because of this libraries must work to meet the needs of the middle to low class with physical copies books and the higher middle class and upper class with e-books. This means a lot of money would have to go into updating and keeping accurate books and e-books which would be double the effort than what was needed previously when there were only physical copies of books. Libraries are in a tough spot a to meet these demands since there has no been many budget cuts(source F). If funding is being cut and made smaller than it's going to get harder as years past to keep things up to date in both versions. Libraries need to push to get better funding, create programs that fund themselves, updating to modern ways of reading, and keep traditional reading to keep their important role in society that is meant to advocate
In library we use internet for searching books and we can know about the book before taking them from the library and we search even the revelant refernces of a paticular book with the help of internet and more over we can find more additional information what we are having in book we choose, we can find lot of vedios and images based on a particular topic what we are searching or trying to know.
Carr identifies how reading a book is different from reading online because when you read online, you don’t think deeply about what it is you’re reading, and you don’t have to concentrate nearly as much. Carr also mentions that the Internet is something people find themselves going to more often than books because it is more time efficient.
In Lindsay Water’s “Time for Reading”, he takes the time to warn his audience that there are inherent dangers in the manner that modern students learn to read. These dangers are a loss of connection with the actual meaning of the words. Literature is being reduced to a quasi-science. This scientific and speedy approach is devoid of emotion and sentiment. Waters argues that the manner in which the industrial revolution is like an assembly line; that literature studies are based on generic data, and not involved in the intimate manner that such study requires. Literature studies should take the necessary time to read, reread, and react to the words. Waters also warns her audience not to have any preconception that scholarly students are unaffected by the industrious speed reading revolution; the opposite is true. Academia has embraced speed over taking time to find significance in reading.
An example of a smaller less capable competitor is the Internet Archive which is only concerned with the copy right of “orphan” books. The public is the largest group that will be affected. People will benefit tremendously from this digital catalog but could suffer in terms of privacy, cost and innovation if Google is the sole information access provider.
Now days with the rise of digital technology many physical items such as pen and paper are slowly being replaced by computers and smart phones. But is this really a good thing? I read books and of course so do many other people in this class and around the globe. But since the creation of ‘e-readers’ more and more people have been converting to the technology based side of reading. Although technology is slowly becoming more predominant in this era we should not rely on it to always entertain and keep us occupied.
During the development of technology, most people have shifted to use electronic books to read both academic and non-academic texts. However, despite the technological changes, there has been a wide debate about the benefits of paper books over the e-books. It is important to understand that various reasons are suggesting why people should shift back to using the traditional books rather than the electronic ones. Even though some think that e-books are better that traditional ones, I believe that readers should return to traditional books because of various reasons.