
A Raisin In The Sun Wolff Briff Character Analysis

Decent Essays

Rising Up Poverty is something that has been described as something where the people lack the resources to survive. Generally, that resource is considered to be money. While money may be one of the big indicators of poverty. There are other indicators as well. These indicators can be seen in the two plays A Raisin in the Sun and Death of a Salesman. In those plays, two of the characters are attempting to rise up out of poverty. One of those characters though has more resources to rise up than the other. The character, Beantham, in Raisin in the Sun, is more prepared to rise to the middle class than Biff from Death of a Salesman. That is because of Beneatha having more resources at her grasp and more of a mental as well as emotional stability compared to Biff.
Biff …show more content…

He is constantly trying to find his place in the world. He jumps around from job to job until he ends up back at his family home. There he attempts to get back up on his feet and achieve a fresh start. He has a problem though. That is his resources. According to Ruby Paine, “Emotional resources are the most important of all resources because, when present, they allow the individual not to return to old habit patterns” (17). Biff shows signs of maniac behavior stemming from a past emotional trauma. “Quote” This has caused reoccurring problems for Biff throughout his life. He has never been able to hold the same job for long and eventually leads to him stealing. The past trauma affected two of his resources: emotional and role models. Biff always looked up to his dad, but one day that all changed. “Quote” This is a defining moment in Biff’s life that forever impacted him, so that he could never reach his true potential. These resources were the major factors that lead to Biff being stuck in a rut of abject poverty for most of his

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