
A Reflection Without Respect

Decent Essays

In order to decide if society can function without respect, what must first be broken down is the basic meaning of the word respect itself. Respect is likely something that is subjective; some believe respect is earned and others may think respect is an attitude that should automatically be assumed regardless of whether or not an individual deserves it. Respect means many things to many people, but its basis is that of simply having value or reverence for someone or something. To view someone or something with respect would be to assign to them or it the acknowledgment, spoken or unspoken, that they of more or equal value to oneself. Respect in it’s simplest form is fundamental for both the social and mechanical aspects of society to function. In a world where nobody values themselves, others, or things, it is safe to say that chaos would ensue. Assuming self-respect is nonexistent in this situation, a person would not have any care for themselves. A massive increase in depression, anxiety, and mental health issues would leave society completely unstable. People would not care to seek help for themselves or others and a large possibility of self-inflicted harm and or suicide. Poverty would arise as nearly everyone would feel too horrible to attend their jobs and monetary systems would collapse. There would be no order, as the machine that is social function collapses. Without respect for oneself, a society of melancholy individuals would bloom. Destruction of public and

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