
A Research On Planned Parenthood

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Planned Parenthood was under attack summer of 2015. They were accused of selling baby parts for profit. This practice caused Planned Parenthood to be criticized and brought under more scrutiny then they face on a daily basis for being an abortion center. It is common practice to see picketers who are pro-lifers standing outside Planned Parenthood businesses holding signs proclaiming the right to life. But when two videos became public that demonstrated Planned Parenthood officials talking about the sales of aborted fetus body parts, the heat on Planned Parenthood went from warm to a blazing inferno and funding was immediately pulled from Planned Parenthood. The videos were a major rallying point for many Americans who are opposed to abortion. In fact the videos aided pro-lifers as they went after the government demanding that funding be stopped to Planned Parenthood clinics. This accusation sparked a wave of investigations. After the videos initially became public there were a number of states that made the decision to investigate further into the tissue sale and see if in fact the claim the videos were making were true. State investigators still have yet to find any substantial evidence that Planned Parenthood was selling or profiting at all from fetal tissue sales. There have been 12 states that have completed their investigation. Although investigators were unable to substantiate the sales of body parts they did uncover some questionable practices in a

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