
A Review of Brave New World

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BNW Essay – A life truly lived

What is a life truly lived? Can one be happy all the time? To truly experience all that life has to offer, one must be able to compare the good and the bad. To know what happiness is, one must know sadness and to appreciate the highs, one must overcome the lows. In Brave New World, written by Aldous Huxley, we can see that a life without both good and bad experiences is a flat line and does not complete a person. Bernard was not happy though he was a member of Brave New World, Helmholtz was incomplete though seemingly happy and actually chose a ‘less-than-ideal’ life while Linda thought she was happy, but when she tried to apply her lifestyle in a new environment, she was unsuccessful and eventually died …show more content…

He asks for hardships to fulfill his life. Helmholtz is a perfect example of a perfect life not being a life truly lived. One needs to know both the good and the bad to feel complete.

Linda is yet another example of how a ‘perfect’ world view really is not perfect at all. Linda grew up in Brave New World and when she was left behind during her visit to the savage reservation, she did not know any other way of life so she tried to maintain her lifestyle. She believed, “the way they have one another here. Mad, I tell you, absolutely mad. Everybody belongs to every one else – don’t they? Don’t they?” This lifestyle did not make Linda happy at all. She was not living her life the right way and by extension was not living life at all because she only thought she was happy. Her lifestyle did not fit in with the culture in which she found herself and this made her unhappy since, “’nobody’s supposed to belong to more than one person. And if you have people in the ordinary way, the others think you’re wicked and anti-social. They hate and despise you […]” (121). She also tried to continue in her consumerism mentality but this made her angry because, “it never used to be right to mend clothes. […] Mending’s anti-social. But it’s all different here. It’s like living with lunatics. Everything they do is mad.” (121) Linda tried to keep her ‘happy’ lifestyle but realized she was not really happy and then felt like life had left her no reason to live. She turned to mescal

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