Laverne A. Marks
Child and Adolescent Development u10a1 Integrative Project: Chapters I–V
Dr. Lohr
June 14,2013
A Review of Coping Skills for Sexual Abuse Victims
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction………………………………………………………..………………5-6 Theoretical Background………………………………………………………………6-8
Chapter 2: Literature Review…………………………………………………………………8-14 Proving Sexual Abuse ------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 What is the impact early sexual trauma has on victims? ..............................................9-10 Coping
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Providing an insight into positive coping skills will allow victims to gain knowledge on better coping skills to prevent substance abuse, re-victimization and long-term psychological distress. This research is aimed at providing knowledge of coping skills for victims of early sexual abuse. Poor coping skills, such as avoidance has been demonstrated to exacerbate the impact of childhood trauma on psychological distress (Wang et al, 2010). Victims of early sexual abuse tend to use acceptance and avoidance as ways to cope with trauma. Child sexual abuse has consistently been associated with the use of avoidant coping which have been associated with increased trauma symptoms, which have, in turn, been linked to increased risk for adult sexual
A Review of Coping Skills for Sexual Abuse Victims re-victimization (Fortier et al, 2009). Overemphasizing avoidant coping can result in psychological distress. Education on positive coping skills is important in avoiding these effects. The purpose of this research is to evaluate whether a booster coping skills training which focuses on referring to others to assist in solving problems help sexual abuse victims ages 12-16 replace negative coping skills with positive coping skills. This paper will review previous research and discuss the possible effects early sexual abuse may have on the victims. It will discuss the negative coping skills that many victims use and the effects it has on their psychological development.
Child sexual abuse involves a wide range of sexual activity. It may include fondling of the
Studies have shown a clear correlation between childhood sexual assault (CSA) and negative sexual experiences later in life. Of relevance to the criminal justice system, these later forms of sexual victimization include sexual assault and sex work. The relationship between CSA and adverse sexual development is a correlation between two things, not a direct pathway from cause to effect. While survivors of sexual assault are at a higher risk of experiencing these later forms of victimization, this correlation represents a highly complex process involving a wide range of mediating factors and the intersections between them. Any experience of sexual assault is highly traumatic. Survivors of CSA, however, represent a unique population, because their trauma occurs near the start of the human developmental process and therefore alters all development thereafter.
Avoidant behavior among victims of sexual abuse may be understood as attempts to cope with the chronic trauma. Among the dysfunctional activities associated with avoidance of abuse-specific memories and feelings are dissociation, substance abuse and various tension-reducing activities. Unfortunately, although sometimes immediately effective in reducing distress, avoidance and self-destructive methods of coping with child abuse experiences may lead ultimately to higher levels of lower self-esteem and greater feelings of guilt and anger.
This paper reviews several articles that discuss the lasting effects that sexual abuse can have on a child into their adult years. The articles agree that victims of child sexual abuse (CSA) will most likely suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and/or experience revictimization. This paper will also address the common forms of coping that victims of child sexual abuse take part in. Some research will touch on proper healing techniques for victims of CSA to receive.
removed from the family environment, a primary relative had to relocate or the death or destruction (e.g. fatal accident, domestic violence, natural disaster) of a close individual (Faust & Katchen, 2004). (Faust et al., 2004)The fourth factor emphasizes that age may be a factor in children’s responses to traumatic events which thus determines the course of therapy (Faust & Katchen, 2004). (Faust et al., 2004)Very young children struggle with cognitive components of cognitive-behavioral intervention strategies because it exceeds their developmental capabilities (Faust & Katchen, 2004). (Faust et al., 2004)As previously noted, a child is at a greater risk for the effects of severe sexual abuse in the first years of life (Faust & Katchen, 2004). (Faust et al., 2004)
Over 92% of sexual assault survivors disclose the assault to at least one person, and the types of responses they receive vary. The negative social reactions can cause maladaptive coping strategies for the survivor, and result in PSTD symptoms. A common negative response to an assault disclosure include blaming the victim, treating the victim as if they are broken or they have changed, as well as attempting to control the victim’s situation or even completely disregarding the victim’s emotions and focusing on their own feelings. Often times, when a person is assaulted it is by someone they know (unlike the common stereotype where a person jumps out of the bushes and attacks the weak victim), and the victim feels as if they cannot trust people again, making negative responses to disclosure almost like a stab in the back because the survivor has ran out of people to trust. When a person gives negative feedback to an assault disclosure, it prolongs the victims recovery time. A victim can feel as if they are not in control of their recovery and makes them question their actions and feelings. Also, in addition to the “loss of control”, they could disengage from seeking support and aid from others, falling into maladaptive coping strategies to avoid the feelings of anger, sadness, and anxiety. Often times, survivors can seek out alcohol or drugs to aid them in their recovery process, although they do not know they are causing more harm to themselves. However, negative reactions may not necessarily impair individual forms of adaptive coping, especially for survivors who do not rely on others for support during recovery. Some survivors can use the negative responses to encourage themselves to not rely on others for support and focus on individual strategies for coping (i.e. meditation, cognitive
Wilson writes that survivors of sexual abuse state that they have several problems including reduced communication, less trust, and little satisfaction in their relationships (Wilson 60). She states that histories of the abuse impact the survivors’ relationships in a negative manner (Wilson 60).
This paper will examine the impact of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) on women’s sexual behavior in adulthood. Childhood sexual abuse has been associated with a plethora of physical and emotional symptoms in women. It has been noted that there is a significant relationship between this maltreatment and the development of abnormal sexual behavior. Some women who have been abused as children are suffering from lack of sexual desire, emotional distress, sexual dysfunction, or engage in risky sexual behavior as they become adults. This paper has two purposes: (1) to provide a broad overview of the research on long-term effects of childhood sexual abuse on mental and physical health and (2) encourage counselors and therapists alike to seek knowledge of this issue and in turn provide victims of CSA with effective methods to overcome and deal with any long-term issues of childhood sexual abuse.
An article written about the effects of sexual abuse in accordance with male victims, claims: “[t]hree perspectives of early family relationships and attachment theory, developmental psychopathology, and trauma theory provide a conceptual understanding as to why some victims are vulnerable to the effects of sexual abuse while others appear resilient to it.” Although the study's main objective is to understand the developmental effects of male CSA survivors, it also notes that the majority of the data collected about the psychological well being of the sample is also representative of female CSA survivors. In a similar study on the repercussions of sexual abuse in male victims, Scott Eastman depicts a table simply explaining the process of coping, or the problems tied to CSA. Much like a story line, there is a beginning a middle and an end after the initial incident, but not all survivors reach the stages of completion and often times face difficulties coping. In the middle stage of the process, is distraction, obsessive review. These are symptoms tied to PTSD, defined as a disorder which a traumatic event causes flashbacks, nightmares, and uncontrollable thoughts about the event. It may reasonably be concluded that the obsessive thoughts are tied to PTSD because reviewing the traumatic experience may give the illusion of understanding to the survivor. In the final Stage of the process, following acceptance, is
Childhood sexual abuse is a serious concern that has been associated with long term effects amongst survivors. Using secondary data, this qualitative piece of research explores the long term effects of child sexual abuse in later adult life. The purpose for this study is to create awareness to professionals that sexual abuse effects continue long after the abuse stops thus, sufficient knowledge on the characteristics of the abuse.
Child sexual abuse is an ever-present, psychologically and physically damaging event that occurs daily to hundreds of children. Unfortunately, child sexual abuse is not going away any time soon and the lives of so many precious children are altered forever. These abused children often grow up to be psychologically damaged adults with emotional, cognitive and physical issues that may never be able to be conquered. Far too many adults live with the pain of their secret and it can be quite debilitating. Adults who were abused as children may have many problems in their
To investigate the research question, a bivariate correlation will be conducted to assess the strength of the relationship between social support and problem focused coping in child sexual abuse victims. Given that both variables are continuous and the hypothesis seeks to assess the relationship, a bivariate correlation is the appropriate data analysis test. Correlation coefficients range from -1, a perfect negative linear relationship to 1, a perfect linear relationship, with 0 representing no relationship. Positive coefficients indicate a direct relationship, indicating that as one variable increases, the other variable also increases. Negative correlation coefficients indicate an indirect relationship, indicating that as one variable increases,
Any victim of sexual abuse faces the chance of having their development impacted. This is especially true amongst children. Studies have proven that children who have been sexually abused by a female offender often have different developmental experiences (T.A. Gannon, 2008, p. 356). Mental illness is yet another impact that victims face. Many sexual abuse victims transpire into states of depression, rage, and suicide; they even have strained relationships with certain individuals (Denov, 2014, p.
Being sexually abused is a very traumatizing experience, and this form of victimization at a young age only amplifies the situation. The mortifying nature of child sexual abuse often brings along with it changes in the victim's life. Some of the numerous short term effects (problems that impact them while they are still at a young
Child sexual abuse has been reported up to 80,000 times a year, but the number of unreported instances is far greater, because the children are afraid to tell anyone what has happened (American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry). Childhood sexual abuse is a traumatic experience affecting the lives of not only the victim, but those close to the victim as well. Many think there is only one person truly traumatized, but in fact, everyone involved is affected. The victim has to deal with their experience the rest of their lives. They may be more at risk for other mental issues as well, including depression. The family involved has to deal with its pain, often causing hardship and discord within the family. This is especially true