
A Rhetoric Analysis Of Willie Neilson 's The Redheaded Stranger

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A Rhetoric Analysis of Willie Neilson’s The Redheaded Stranger Willie First signed with Columbia records in 1973. Bruce Lundvall president of Columbia records says, “… this is willies labor of love. He’s always wanted to do this record. It’s going to be a collector’s item. It’s not going to sell, but it’s special.” (Citation Dan Ouellette Bruce Lundvall playing by ear) Despite the expectations of Lundvall the album went multiplatinum and is also number one-hundred eighty four in the rolling stone’s 500 greatest albums. The Redheaded Stranger reflects the story of love, betrayal, revenge, and redemption. The album begins with “Time of the Preacher” the story of a reverend marrying a woman who loved another. The reverend was in eternal love with the woman; he loved her more than life itself. The next song in the album “I couldn’t believe it’s true” explains that the preacher hears about his wife’s love with another man and goes home to find that she has left. So the preacher saddles up his horse and rides off. At this point the man is in a manic state although to what extent we don’t find out until the third song of the album. The third song “Blue Rock Montana” tells us the man rides into town and books a room and is having a lot of thoughts and temptations. The preacher finds his wife sitting and smiling in a bar with her new lover and overwhelmed with rage he blows their heads off. At this point in the album the man takes the horse his newly late wife was

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