
A Rhetorical Analysis Chapter 3

Decent Essays

“One very important aspect of motivation is the willingness to stop and to look at things that no one else has bothered to look at. This simple process of focusing on things that are normally taken for granted is a powerful source of creativity.” (Edwardo de Bono 2016). Susan Cain wrote the book Quiet which is about introverts as well as extroverts in today’s society. This chapter, chapter three, is about how working in groups instead of by yourself ultimately kills creativity along with everything that creativity brings to the table. Susan uses pathos, logos, ethos, values, and stakeholders to demonstrate her main ideas which are: solitude is essential for creativity which is a key trait in introverts and groupthink damages our society. Susan …show more content…

Also, she gained her authority because she is an introvert as well. This establishes her authority because she knows, along with, understands what other introverts are thinking as well as feeling. She understands that they are not always accepted for feeling the desire to go off on their own. That introverts are told to constantly work in groups with lots of other people instead of by themselves and that they should be more extroverted than introverted. When reading this chapter she creates the feeling of unity because she is standing up for the introverts along with being on their side. By creating this feeling along with documenting her authority she did a great job at establishing ethos. Being an introvert gives her the authority to write this book for the audience of introverts in addition to extroverts. Using her previous knowledge about introverts as well as how introverts may act in groups of people create the sense of …show more content…

When in groups a term called groupthink occurs. Groupthink allows social loafing, production blocking, evaluation apprehension, and no knowing how to be independent to occur throughout a group (Caine 2013:89). When group think occurs it causes groups to become less creative as well as less productive. All of these facts help Susan prove her point. Susan did very well with logos by creating a factual background full of useful knowledge. All of the facts she entered into the book supported her main ideas of teamwork causing groupthink which demolishes creativity. She was backing up all her ideas throughout the chapter. Susan was logical throughout the chapter. Although she may have come off a little one sided by favoring the introverts; introverts are the main focus of her

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