
A Rhetorical Analysis Of Bloomberg's Speech By Michael Bloomberg

Decent Essays

Bloomberg’s Speech Essay In 2010, The Guardian published an article, which contained a public speech, delivered by the New York Mayor, Michael Bloomberg. In his speech, Michael Bloomberg defended the proposition of building a mosque near Ground Zero, with the hopes of appealing to the audience by reminding them that Muslims are also New Yorkers and that denying them their mosque, not only do the New Yorkers show double standards, they are also repeating history of religious repression. In Bloomberg’s speech, he uses a variation of rhetorical tools, in order to be able to appeal to his audience in a way for them to understand his message clearly. Bloomberg chooses to use a very little amount of logos as a way to appeal to its audience, and chooses instead to use pathos as an appeal. Furthermore, Bloomberg is on the tipping point of exploiting pathos, seeing that he has the Statue of Liberty behind him (P.1 l.1), he brings in the heroic actions during 9/11, and he uses the word freedom several times, when he talks about America. He even uses peroration as he is finishing his speech. By using peroration, Bloomberg makes it clear to his audience what the message is and indirectly summarises his speech. …show more content…

3 l.1) This conclusion to his speech indicates as to why Bloomberg focuses so intensely on the use of pathos. The reason to that is, Bloomberg acknowledges his audience will contain a certain amount of religious people and in order for the audience to agree with Bloomberg or at the very least understand his message, Bloomberg must appeal to them through pathos, since that is the most effective way. During Bloomberg’s speech, there are several incidents where Bloomberg contradicts himself. On page 1 line 6 it says as

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