
A Rose For Emily, by William Faulkner Essay examples

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Both of the stories that will be compared in this paper, William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, are very demented novels that contain central premises very estranged to most readers. Though Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" is a short story, the depth and description contained inside its brief text give it the ability to be compared to a novel such as Frankenstein; primarily it's ability to explain the factors relating to Miss Emily's obsession for keeping her loved ones around after they have deceased. Similarly, in Shelley's Frankenstein, the evil and murderous nature of the beast created by Victor Frankenstein is well described in many angles and shows the prevalent need for the monster to make Victors life …show more content…

247) Both of these quotes show the dark nature and description of the cryptic images while leaving much to the imagination.

These cryptic images are also noticed in the usage of daunting setting such as the secluded house in Faulkner's story and the castle in Shelley's. Both places of creation (Frankenstein) or decay ("A Rose for Emily") reside in a more desolate or isolated setting than normal and provide a foreboding atmosphere. As Faulkner describes a "decaying" white house which was "an eyesore among eyesores" in a dwindling neighborhood, Shelley depicts a mansion which is overshadowed by a seemingly foretelling fog at the top of a hill in the countryside. The locations which these take place are used to create and ill-omened background for the stories but also give the means necessary to be able to procure a monster or a house desolate enough to be able to hide the decomposition of the bodies. These are key elements in the stories and should not be overlooked.

Another key element in these stories is the use of a lifeless body as an ominous figure. In Frankenstein, Shelley says, "With an anxiety that almost amounted to agony, I collected the instruments of life around me, that I might infuse

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