
A Short Story : A Story Of A Grandfather's Life

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I woke up on a Friday morning I was four years old, I ran out to where my family was gathered. It was normally, my mom just had made breakfast the usual bacon, eggs, and grits with a cup of orange juice. My family ate breakfast all together, however there was an awkwardness in the air, for my sisters had sneaked out of the house to go to a party that my dad and mom had said no too. As the conversation continued on, It became seven twenty and my sisters had to leave for school. So they went outside and their friend picked them up and went down the street towards the high school. I went back inside finished my breakfast as my parents and other older sister sat there and talked about the whole ordeal and what they should do about it. As they talked the phone rang, when my father picked it up it was the sheriff. Beginning nosey I listened up to their conversation and heard the officer say something about a crash. My parents immediately reacted as my dad said my sisters had been in a crash and it did not look good. My parents loaded me up into my car seat. Still not knowing what had happened I thought my sister Kez was late for school. I soon realized that this was not so for they turned right away from the school. Heading down a worn down california street about a mile out of the city limit. I soon saw a crashed car that had been left nothing rubble. The debris of the crash had littered the street for about a hundred feet in every direction this was made up of glass and

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