
A Short Story : A Story?

Decent Essays

Something metal hits the back of my skull and I crumble to my knees, dots fluttering across my eyes. Someone clasps my wrist and yanks up my sleeve, revealing nothing? Though there’s a lump on my head now, I let out a secret sign of relief as I try to stand.
The idiot grabbed the wrong arm. There’s nothing on my left arm expect a few claw marks and dried ink stains. The man blinks confused as he actually looks at me. “Oh, you’re a boy.”
Holy hell, my disguise actually worked.
I tug my arm free, standing up. My head pounds as I rub the lump. “No, really?” I snap, forcing my voice to be low. I pull my sleeve back down as the man grabs me again. Without a word, he drags me out of the alley. “Hey, let me go!”
The man throws back his head and laughs. “Yeah, right. Take him back to the group.”
And before I can even muster another thought, I’m thrown into the arms of two other men. They just grunt in response before dragging me away. I struggle and squirm, unable to break free. Forced around a corner, a bright spotlight blinds me before shifting away. I blink rapidly, shaking my head.
A sharp elbow in my back, causes me to cripple to my knees. I cry out and then growl up at them, “Was that really necessary?”
I earn a slap across the face for that comment. My face stings as I stare at my hands pressing into the ground. Yeah, I better keep my mouth shut. I spit and slowly straighten up. I’m not the only person on their knees. There are at least six other boys, bloody and beaten.

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