
A Short Story : Halloween Night : A Story

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There is an old house down the road from where I live, people tell spooky stories about it all the time. But no one has ever been dumb enough to actually go to the house and confirm the stories and I don't blame them. The house is estimated to be about 150 years old or that's at least what everybody says so who knows it may be even older than that. During all these stories being told mostly every time an old man of some sorts mostly called crazy and a maniac is mentioned. The old man supposedly louers little children to the old wicked home to kill them, and of course like anyone would probably would be I was extremely skeptical about these claims. These stories are told numerous amounts of times but no one even has a tiny bit of proof for the stories so I wanted to be the first one to go and check the house to see if it was as scary as they say and I was willing to risk a lot of things to do it. My friends and I got together and began plotting this expedition of the house, our first part of the plan was to carry out the search on halloween night. The date was fast approaching plus we thought doing it on halloween night would add a lil suspense and pressure to the situation. We grew more and more anxious by the minute halloween was tomorrow and we still had not figured out the whole sequences we wanted to go by yet so we got back to brainstorming for a bit. Then it was final we had our plan everything was set to go, the plan was to wait until everyone on the block was

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