
A Short Story Revealed: A Fictional Narrative

Decent Essays

He was tired. So very tired. His hands shook as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. Eyes, once vibrant in their innocence, had dulled to a flat brown.
He had died. Again.
Each time he died a little piece of himself would break off, small chunks at first that had grown in size each time he fell. There was nothing left in him now.
Scott turned away from the mirror, ashamed of what he had seen. There was too much damage within him. Too much that couldn’t be fixed. He wondered if he wanted to.
His mind flashed to his mother before he shook his head. She told him that he needed to give his pack hope. Scott fell onto his bed, to exhausted to scream or cry. How could he give them hope when he had nothing else to give? He had given them everything. Wasn’t …show more content…

Scott shook his head again. He couldn’t ask for that. Not when there was no time for him to. Guilt gnawed on his conscience before he sat up. He counted to ten, willing the nausea away. He had to get up and do something. Anything.
He couldn’t get up.
Exhaustion and blood loss kept him on the bed, his body needing time to rest. It felt like another failure. Another place where he couldn’t perform. Frustrated tears sprang into his eyes; he let them fall. They clouded his vision, allowing him a second to bask in letting go. He pressed his face into his pillow, letting the tears soak it. Curling up under the covers, as though to protect himself from an unseen threat, Scott McCall let himself feel. He breathed harshly, unwilling to let his mother know of his misery.
He couldn’t worry her. He wouldn’t worry her.
And in the dark, under the protection of his covers, Scott McCall cried. He cried for those he had lost. Whose names he’d never forget. He cried for those he thought he was losing. His pack, those he’d call his family. He cried for his mother. The strong and capable woman that she was, knowing that there would come a time that she too, would crumble. But most of all he cried for

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