
A Short Summary On America's Idea Of A Candle

Decent Essays

We Hold A Candle But No Match I feel like Americans believe our country holds the “candle”. America’s idea of a “candle” is basically money. We as Americans believe that we could fix our country with it and we can but, it also breaks us as well. We have lots of money or no money, and America is extremely in debt. They think money can fix everything but it can’t. We think that the money is the match to light our candle but it isn’t. The match to light our candle is effort, dedication, pride, and respect which we lack a lot of these days. America is a great country even though it has many flaws. We have a lot going for us here. We have wonderful schools, great opportunities, some great people, and lots of awesome culture. We been through so much to shape and mold our country into what it is today. Did you know that 100 acres of pizza is sold everyday here? Fascinating! …show more content…

We were inspired by their life style and created our own. We basically took what they did and modified it to our modern day society. It’s hurt our country a little by pushing religion a little too much. I feel like when religion or anything else is pushed it is not as enjoyable. I feel like we would have more people serious about their religion in America if it wasn’t so forced upon us by the Puritans. I feel like we should live a little more of a Puritan life because Americans are so cocky these days. I feel like money, social status, and impossible expectations of society have ruined us and made us rude to others. I feel like we don’t appreciate what we have in life as much as the Puritans did. I think us Americans should have a more thankful, Puritan approach of life in general because we are a lucky country. There are many unlucky countries that would give anything to be like America and I think that is something we should proud of but not cocky

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