
A Study Of Dynamic Regulation Of Gene Expression Essay

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The majority of cells in the human body are not human at all. The 100 trillion prokaryotic cells that make up our microbiota, constitute 90% of the cells in our bodies, and are derived from more than 40,000 bacterial strains (Forsythe & Kunze, 2012). Bacterial cells reside in animal hosts as commensals, symbionts, or as pathogenic parasites, forming a veneer over almost all body surfaces (Dave et al., 2012). Increasingly, research is showing the importance of host microbiota composition and the bidirectional signaling pathways between the brain and the gut, some of which are epigenetic. These studies elucidate the profound impacts that signaling pathways, such as short-chain fatty acid mediated effects, nucleomodulins, and other bacterial metabolites, can have on health, behavior and cognition (Sommer & Backhed, 2013). ‘Epigenetics,’ derived from the Greek root ‘epi ' meaning on top of, is the study of dynamic regulation of gene expression due to factors that act on chromatin structure, nuclear architecture and other molecular events that do not change the DNA sequence (Stilling et al., 2014). In addition, epigenetics has sometimes been defined as sequence- independent heritable changes in gene expression (Holliday, 1987). Epigenetic processes include post-translational histone modification, as well as cytosine methylation and interactions of non-coding RNAs (Jaenisch & Bird, 2003; Landry et al., 2013). Post-translational histone acetylation results in a decreased

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