
A Traditional U.S. Government During the Formation of the Constitution

Decent Essays

Discuss briefly the American tradition of representative government. Is representative government as strong as it was when the Constitution was formed? The idea of representative government is deeply rooted in America's history and tradition. It began as far back as the voyage of the Mayflower. The spirit of freedom, self-reliance, the common law, and an understanding of representation, were brought by the settlers from their home. Though many of our ideas about representative government developed from the English model of Parliament, the American tradition of representative government actually began in Jamestown with the “great charter of 1618”and the First Representative Assembly of 1619 and continued on with the Virginia House of …show more content…

There is a second check in the division of powers between the national and state governments—a principle known as federalism. Then finally with the addition of the Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution detailing the rights reserves to the States or People. Which of these checks have proven most lasting? I believe the check of “JUDICIARY is check on LEGISLATIVE through its authority to review all laws and determine their constitutionality.” Has been most proving being hat almost every day the Supreme Court decides wether or not things are Constitutional or not. Which have been most frequently evaded? I believe that the following two checks have been most evaded: “LEGISLATIVE (Congress) has restraining power over JUDICIARY, with con­stitutional authority to restrict extent of its jurisdiction” and “LEGISLATIVE has power to impeach members of JUDICIARY guilty of treason, high crimes, or misdemeanors.” QUESTION # 2: Discuss briefly the relationship between the federal government and the states as laid out in the original Constitution. When considering the relationship between the federal government and the states as laid out in the original constitution, I believe it to be best described by James Madison in The Federalist # 45 when he states "the powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State

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