
A War With Everything At Stake Essay

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A War With Everything At Stake


Technology over the past decade has grown more than anyone could even fathom. In the year 2005 to access someone’s bank records, credit reports, or even marriage history all it takes is a click of a mouse. All kinds of information you would not want just anyone to have is on the Internet. Now, granted most of this information cannot be accessed by just anyone. The person must have a vast knowledge about computers, networks, and passwords. But, the point is it can be done. Right now as we speak there could be a person accessing my tax records. They could be transferring my money out of my account into a central account they had set up. This is not the only type of computer crime. …show more content…

These are normal every day people with their only savings in banks such as Bank of America or Bank One. These banks all offer online banking. This means whatever money in the bank is also on the Internet. If this is on the Internet it becomes available to anyone with sharp computer skills. This means that a person could wake up tomorrow and their entire nest egg is gone. They have no more retirement fund because it vanished into thin air. (Johnson, J)

Identity theft is a major crime that is aided heavily using computers. Identity theft is when a hacker taps into government files or corporate files. These files are all on record for tax and credit purposes. The files on the government databases have everything about you. They have your name, social security number, address, and even the names of your kids. If you made a payment to the IRS with a check or a credit card, hackers can see this too. (Johnson, J) With all this information they can make fake drivers licenses, social security cards, and even vote for you. With all of this knowledge an ok hacker can steal your identity and put you deep into debt without you knowing. They can even go as far as to print up a birth certificate for themselves. The most peculiar incident of identity theft is when a man wanted to be a woman. He stole her name and identity and made it his own. He even went so far he had the operations

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