
A Whole New Experience Paper

Decent Essays

A Whole New Experience
It was about 9:00am, half an hour after the children have come inside from the playground and began their work. I have just arrived to the school to observe the classroom of my cultural diversity practicum. As I walk towards Mrs. Addair’s classroom I see two children, probably 5 or 6 years old, with the long one thousand chain laid out along the hallway. This is a chain comprised of a thousand golden beads, laid upon a fleece mat. The children are counting the beads one by one and laying number tiles by the appropriate beads as they count all the way up to one thousand. They glance up at me as I walk by, smile, then go back to their work.
I enter the classroom itself, and am amazed by the atmosphere within. It is …show more content…

She is doing an advanced variation on this work– she has laid out the tablets along one edge of the rug, and is going out into the classroom to find objects that match the color of each tablet. She has a yellow vase and a blue colored pencil already on her rug, each placed beside its matching tablet. She is now searching for something red. Afterwards, she will return each item to its proper place in the classroom. It’s an impressive feat of memory and concentration for such a young child to navigate a classroom full of her friends without being distracted from her task, and remember where everything needs to go …show more content…

The way the children learn and have come so far is so amazing. These children are only in pre-k and kindergarten and I was constantly forgetting that. I’ve always been experienced to the regular classroom, so being exposed to this kind of teaching really opened my eyes. It sparked an interest in how independent these students are learning. The love and laughter in Mrs. Addairs classroom is something I will always take with me. I’m so incredibly thankful for this experience and those students I only spent three days, Those students with will always hold a place in my heart and will help me thrive to want to begin my long teaching

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