
ADHD/Hyperactivity Disorder

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When most of us hear AD/HD or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, we think of rowdy kids who can’t seem to sit still or focus and who get side tracked by random things. There are many parents who think that their kids are overenergetic and are all too ready to believe that their child may have AD/HD and so, they take them to get diagnosed and put on a treatment plan, but in reality, there’s nothing wrong with them and it’s just a case of a kid being a kid. So why is it that these kids have to be put on medication just because they’re energetic? Why are medications prescribed for AD/HD when people can live normal lives without them, at all? Society attempts to use medication as a form of social control over those who are different in …show more content…

AD/HD does not have just one type, but rather 3 different types with different symptoms associated with each type. The first type is the combined type which is characterized by all three symptoms of being inattentive, hyperactivity, and impulsivity and is the most common form of AD/HD of the three. The second type is the hyperactive/impulsive type that carries the symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity. The last type is the inattentive type, which was formerly known as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and carries the symptom of inattentiveness. Their symptoms may go unnoticed since they are not hyperactive so they don’t cause any disruptions and only have the inability to focus on the task at …show more content…

The tests are normally administered by a pediatrician or a mental health professional that has experience in the treatment and diagnosis of AD/HD and are used to determine the person’s psychological and neurological status. These tests include a complete and thorough medical and social history of both the child and the family, a neurological assessment that includes screenings of vision, hearing, and verbal and motor skills and physical exam, an evaluation of intelligence, aptitude, personality traits, or processing skills, and a Neuropsychiatric EEG-Based Assessment Aid (NEBA) System scan which measures theta and beta brain waves because the ratio of theta and beta waves has been shown to be higher in children and adolescents with ADHD than those

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