
ADHD Medication

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With treatment of ADHD people, more than not, choose the medication instead of the therapy for the easy fix. "The combination of medication and behavioral intervention, known as multimodal treatment, is the best treatment strategy for ADHD, however, stimulant medication is the most efficacious, single treatment for reducing symptoms of ADHD" (Lesesne, 2007). Evidence of medication being a much more used source of treatment shows how people want the easiest and quickest fix for unwanted behaviors and also shows how people might be motivated to become diagnosed which ADHD to get the medication that will help their standing abilities to focus and function. "Using national survey data, we recently found that medication rates among boys and girls …show more content…

"ADHD rates increased with age, with youth 9 years and older 2.5 times more likely to have an ADHD diagnosis as compared with younger youth" (Lesesne, 2007). As children get older, they start to notice difficulties and usually what makes those things difficult, in which they bring these faults to light and relate them to ADHD. Children in the 9 years old and older age group are more vocal about their problems pertaining to attention and avid on being treated which causes over diagnosis as children are pushing for it as well. "Similarly, the prevalence of ADHD is known to vary with age. For example, three studies have shown decreases in prevalence with increasing age over the range 10-20 years (22), 8-15 years (23), and 6-14 years (24)" (Biederman, 2002). It is natural for people to mature and leave their hyper behaviors behind them as they get older, which supports ADHD being less prevalent as people age because symptoms fade as development continues. "Not all children with ADHD are hyperactive. But if a child is, it will show during the school-age years. You may notice other symptoms, too. He may be unable to focus, and he may have trouble making good decisions or planning things" (Wait, 2005). Yes, a child can have ADHD without being hyperactive; however, hyperactivity is arguably the most recognizable component of ADHD and without it makes it hard to notice a child has the disorder. Children of school age, especially elementary, are hyper and have difficulties staying still and paying attention because they are not used to such demands and are developing the capita to meet these demands. Evidence of ADHD prevalence in specific age groups and the decline in prevalence as age increases proves that ADHD, especially in children, is over

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