
AP-Opoly Case Study

Decent Essays

Not many activities are more fun than playing board games. So what if you could play board games during work as part of your job, or even better, what if playing a board game helped you with your job? That’s the concept behind AP-oply - Academic Partnerships first AP centered board game.

Britni Lamb and Sammi Bivens collaborated to create AP-Opoly, a new training tool used to conduct a Marketing expo with AP’s Business Team. The game provides an understanding of how the different departments at AP work together, how AP makes money and the value behind the cost of leads, scholarships, application fee waivers, and test fee vouchers.

“There needed to be a fun way to teach and talk about the money side of the AP’s business. Monopoly is all about money and so I thought we could adapt the concept of owning properties to ‘owning’ partners. The idea for the game started there and I kept looking for additional ways to adapt it to AP life, which is where the Chance and Community Chest cards came into play. We also have to give a big shout out to Billy Bretches from creative who created the game board for us! …show more content…

It is important for teams to know where their puzzle piece fits into the larger picture of AP. Sammi developed a great mini-crash course presentation on the Lifecycle of a Partner and how all the departments at AP work together. She also speaks to the importance of the information the ES team provides to the Marketing team and how that information impacts our decisions.” – Brittany

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