Reading week provided me an abundant amount of time to catch up on my courses (literally just economics) and work on my MSDA. The night before, I decided I did not really have to prepare anything for my MSDA pitch, it’d be a good representation of my creative abilities and see what I could come up with on the spot. It went pretty well I would say. Had sprained my ankle again two weeks ago so I was charged up and raring to kick some ass this week. Brought home another win for the flag team with 1td and 3 interceptions, alongside another W for the ultimate team, who were now 5-0. The responsibility of designing our NETA presentation and the application for our product was pinned on me. At this point my group members knew I was taking control and were willing to offer the responsibility …show more content…
Collected photos for the MSDA and finished off a rough version of the second half. Flag football finals were this week, we were playing the only undefeated team in the league, Calumet, and were annihilated. Nonetheless, I still scored, keeping my reputation of scoring every game and was awarded MVP for the season. It was a great experience making it to the playoffs with a team filled with first years. I was suffering from injuries but managed to lead to team to several victories. Ultimate finals were also this week, an undefeated Schulich team faced off against New College. Hearts were shattered when we lost the game in overtime. I was playing with an injury on top of that, which worsened after the game. All in all, I’m content with the turnout, as I made several new friends and connected with people on emotional levels. Near the end of the week, a case competition hosted by YSBA was being held at the Aviva center. I received a notification from the Head of Digital Media and was asked to photograph the event. This was my first task under the Schulich Insider and I took pride in my
I provide myself only twenty-four hours to dwell on a failure before creating a plan to overcome the obstacle and achieve success. Over this twenty-four hour time period I had the opportunity to reflect on my performance during the game, thinking about what I have done wrong and what I need to do better in practice the next day. The next day in practice the team moral was broken, we were all upset with our loss and needed to remember that the season is not over and that we need to get back out there and practice. This loss helped us to learn that we cannot take anything for granted; we went in with high hopes and made unfortunate mistakes that cost us the game. We must be humble, wise and learn from those mistakes in order to become
Later in the day, my wife pointed out to me that there was a picture of me in the newspaper, vomiting. When I saw that picture for the first time my stomach turned. I thought I was going to throw up again. It was incredibly humiliating and I knew I couldn’t let the people who looked up to me the most see me like that. Not my teammates, my peers, my wife, my son, nobody. It was pathetic. With that picture out in the media, I was already focused on tomorrow’s practice. I was determined to come back the next day, playing harder than ever, and proving everyone wrong.
Our target was to break, or to make it into the elimination rounds. After a long awaited anticipation, we found out how many of our teams broke. My sister and I had broken with two other teams from our school. As we walked into the last round of the day we realized we were up against the 1st place team from the most recent tournament. The round had ended as the sun was setting. Although we did not manage to convince two of the three judges and lost, we participated in an aggressive debate. We shook the other teams hands and went back to the awards room. Everyone took their seats as the awards were announced. My sister and I were baffled with joy when they called us up for the 6th place team award. We were both ecstatic for each other, pride shinning in my eyes. "Good Job! I'm proud of you baby!," I told my sister. Additionally, I earned the position of the 5th place speaker. We left the tournament, accomplishing something we were proud of and had an important realization that day. We knew we could do anything we set our mind too and all it took was hard work. Debate would be something I will continue to participate in for as long as I
As part of my Business Innovation Development Project Unit, I had the opportunity to put myself into group with my friends or people I believed I could work well with. In the first stages of our group we all tried to get to know each other more through analysing personality and learning types’ test that we previously undertook. I realise we were going through the normal stages of the team formation in particular forming and norming (Tuckman, 1965). In my assignment group we had all Belbin team roles which helped us perform well throughout our project and also helped us to identify other team members’ behavioural strengths and weaknesses. During the initial stages of the group getting together I believed it was
I believe that I have a good understanding of the law in general which is a good start for APS. On the other hand, I was struggling with the files at first. I then decide to always work, review, ask someone different for help with my file. This way, I see different ways to do my file and have a larger knowledge of the file work. I also always bring my previous file to work on my current file. Doing this, I don’t do the same mistakes twice and quickly improve. When I receive the correction of my file, I take time to read and understand my mistakes and ask questions if needed. I consider report writing one of the most important skills you can have as a police officer because you will use it a lot. Bad files can have big repercussions on a suspect
During my first few months here at Bethel I have learned quite a bit about writing. I have learned about APA writing skills, punctuation, paragraphs and time management thus far. College writing is different than what I did in high school so it has taken some learning for sure.
I learned, that in order to get a good score on my AP essays, it will take a lot of effort, and I won't have a lot of time. I need to write in a way that the reader can understand and comprehend my ideas, and control of language, while successfully getting my point across in a clear-cut way. This will allow me to get a score based how effective the essay is (Nine being the most effective and zero being the least). In addition, my score should reflect the essay’s quality as a whole. Completing this activity helped me realize that the expectations are high when it comes to writing essay, and I will need to work hard to get the best score that I can.
* establishes a system of praise and constructive criticism - rewards and improvement; grows with the organisation
I have taken two AP classes throughout my high school career: US History sophomore year and American Government junior year. These classes have expanded my skill set to include a vast knowledge of interpreting passages that has translated into an advanced concept of comprehension in my other coursework. Even though these classes were not my favorite, the struggle I faced redefined my character as a student; the challenges caused me to work harder in order to succeed, and to me, that is an invaluable lesson that I could have learned nowhere else.
The most crucial hour of my day was coming to an end, but before we could go home our coaches made us all come into a huddle. The smell of sweaty boys, the roar of the crowd, and the sweet taste of victory—which tasted suspiciously like super-chocolatey brownies—was all I could bring in. Normally after our games, our coach would talk for 10 or 15 minutes about what we could have done better, but this time he said only one thing to us in that huddle: “Well boys, this is definitely a day to
a) Hannah is a friendly and approachable teacher. She creates a positive atmosphere that makes us feel comfortable when answering questions. The start of her lesson are engaging and we enjoy the topics that she covers during her lessons. However, she sometimes goes too slowly when giving feedback or when she is teaching grammar, she will spend a long time at the board which can sometimes get boring. But the speaking tasks at the end of her lessons allow us to practise the new language and to discuss interesting topics that have been covered during the lesson.
It was a pristine beginning, with new team members and a new challenge. Chaos no longer reigned within our creations, as our group possessed the ability to discern and interpret each other's ideas instantly, using this communication to form a narrative. I was no longer hesitant about joining a skit; instead, I actively pursued a large role in any presentation, grasping every opportunity to contribute and develop ideas. Dedicated, skilled, and motivated to win, together we would triumph. After leading the State competition by a considerable margin, we would take the stage in Tennessee to perform at Global Finals. Victory here was as exhilarating as it was fulfilling, heightened by winning fifth place worldwide. Winning was important, however the true success was internal; I truly felt comfortable being creative, spontaneous, and
All the preparation we did for the AP exam, the timed writes, the vocabulary quizzes, and the required annotating, enabled me to hone my skills and realize my weaknesses so I could critically revise my paper. Considering the new and the old disciplinary conventions I learned in the past years, applying them to different parts of my life will prove beneficial to not only my school career but my future career and social skills. Placing a pen to the paper has never been easier and static no longer fills my head, rather I cannot stifle the ideas bouncing around in my head.
Vital signs are a fundamental component of nursing care and indicate the body’s ability to maintain blood flow, regulate temperature and regulate oxygenate the body tissue. Taking vital signs are essential in revealing any sudden changes in the body, which could potentially indicate clinical deterioration of the patient.
Hello, I am Clara Smith and next semester I will be a Sophomore at APU, majoring in acting. I am interested in this course because I think that the human mind is fascinating and I would like to learn about how it is studied. I chose APU because it is a Christian school and it has a wonderful