
Abandoned Faith

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Christian parents have started wondering how they can help their kids keep their faith after pop superstar Katy Perry publicly denounced her evangelical upbringing. In a recent interview with Vogue magazine, Perry revealed that she was not “allowed to interact with gay people” and that she picketed Madonna and Marilyn Manson’s concerts during her younger Christian days. For her, her religious upbringing was replete with a lot of bad perceptions about certain people. “I was really disheartened for a while; it just brought up a lot of trauma for me. Misogyny and sexism were in my childhood: I have an issue with suppressive males and not being seen as equal. I felt like a little kid again being faced with a scary, controlling guy,” said Perry …show more content…

For this reason, Christian parents need to know how they can help their children keep their faith even as they grow older. In his book titled “Abandoned Faith: Why Millennials Are Walking Away, and How You Can Lead Them Home,” Dr. Alex McFarland said parents need to teach their children how they can defend their faith. The apologetics expert told CBN News that adults bringing up millenials should also teach kids that the Gospel is a call to discipleship and a commitment to live a life of obedience to God. Specifically, McFarland said Christian parents should lead by example and show their child that Jesus Christ is the top priority in their personal life including their marriage and home. Their faith should also be evident in their practices, even during dinner conversations because. As for parents who have already gone to great lengths to address their child’s rebellious behavior but still to no avail, McFarland urges them not to give up and to maintain their hope. Like in the story of the prodigal son in the Bible, God has a lot of ways of speaking to a child who appears to be intentionally running away from Him. He also reminded parents that everyone has a free will and that salvation is not forced, so they should not blame themselves for the situation and not let their child block God’s purpose in their

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