
Abigail Adams’ Inspiring Rebellion for Women’s Rights Essay

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Born on November 11, 1744, Abigail Smith entered the world in the Massachusetts colony during troublesome time of England rule that was destined to end one day.1 Her family was well respected in the town of Weymouth, where she was born. Her father, William Smith, was a Congregational minister and her mother, Elizabeth Quincy, hailed from a prominent family in the colony.2 Abigail spent her time at her grandmother’s house where she was schooled in English, French, and history, meanwhile, gaining a well-rounded education from the many hours she spent in her father’s library. Her mother’s father, John Quincy, was a member of the colonial Governor’s council and colonel of the militia. He was also the Speaker of the Massachusetts Assembly, a …show more content…

As the colonial fight for independence from the mother country started, Abigail Adams was appointed by the Massachusetts Colony General Court in 1775, along with Mercy Warren and the governor’s wife, Hanna Winthrop, to question their fellow Massachusetts women, who were charged by their word or action, of remaining loyal to the British crown and working against the independence movement. “ are now a politician and now elected into an important office, that of judges of Tory ladies, which will give you, naturally, an influence with your sex”, her husband wrote her in response to the appointment.4 This was the first time for a First Lady to hold a quasi-official government position. Mrs. Adams wrote almost daily letters in which she actively questioned the status of women in the fledgling United Stated. During this time in the 18th century, women received little formal education. According to the rules of society, a women did not need to be educated in order to fulfill her role as mother and homemaker. Adams strongly disagreed with this notion and argued that if women were not better educated, then how could they adequately teach their sons to be future leaders of this new county? Her husband agreed that all women should be educated, but

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