
Abigail Adams and Women's Rights

Decent Essays

Abigail Adams was an influential woman of her time and one of the first avid supporters of women’s rights. Abigail Adams was important to history because without her contribution and hard work the women’s suffrage movement may have never been started or would not have been as successful as it is today. Abigail Smith was born in Weymouth, Massachusetts in 1744. She was the second child born in her family. Abigail’s father was a pastor and her mother spent her time helping others in the community by visiting those who were sick and bringing supplies such as food and clothing to families that were in need, as Abigail got older she joined her mother on these visits. Abigail did not attend school but taught herself by reading books that she found in her father’s library. (

Abigail and her future husband, John Adams, courted for two years before getting married. John was a lawyer and Harvard graduate from Braintree. John was away very often while they were courting, so the couple’s only way to stay in touch was through writing letters. Abigail and John were married on October 25, 1764. They then moved to John’s house in Braintree, where Abigail handled the family’s finances and took care of the house while John was away. On July 11, 1767 John and Abigail had their first son, John Quincy Adams. The next spring the family moved to Boston to be closer to John’s business. ( Abigail and John had 5 children together, three sons and two daughters. John became a

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