
Abigail Carroll Accounting Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

In Case Study 2, Abigail has control and oversight of the following programs: benefit, disability, policies, and health and wellness programs. Abigail is seeking to develop a plan in which to integrate these programs and lower costs. She is challenged to develop a work plan for Integrated Disability Absence Management (IDAM), although Alan, new Finance Director, is opposed. She does not know much about Alan’s background, accomplishments, or what he is passionate about. Obviously he has the attention and respect from upper management. How can she leverage his financial expertise and political influence?

Here are some questions/issues Abigail should consider while preparing for her meeting with Alan:
• What are the corporate goals and business …show more content…

• Setting the team and timeline – what resources will be needed? More staffing, technology, training
• How will changes to policies, programs be communicated to employees?
• Recognize the program must be flexible and modifiable
• Monitor the program – survey and be open to enhancements. Request feedback from employees on your program’s service quality
• What does the data show – identify metrics to sell the business case to upper management
• How will they know if the IDAM program is effective? How will it be measured?
• What have the complaints been with the current STD provider – how can Abigail leverage this feedback to support her plan to bring the programs internally?

Secondly, Abigail wants to evaluate self-insuring GHI’s STD plan. The plan is up for renewal in three months. With the RTW program in place for transitional duty, the STD number is predicted by HR to go down.

These are some questions/issues Abigail should also consider:
• What do the absences look like? What are the top 10 diagnoses? Are there health programs that can be instituted that can help reduce the number of STD days such as smoking cessation, weight management, disease management,

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