In Case Study 2, Abigail has control and oversight of the following programs: benefit, disability, policies, and health and wellness programs. Abigail is seeking to develop a plan in which to integrate these programs and lower costs. She is challenged to develop a work plan for Integrated Disability Absence Management (IDAM), although Alan, new Finance Director, is opposed. She does not know much about Alan’s background, accomplishments, or what he is passionate about. Obviously he has the attention and respect from upper management. How can she leverage his financial expertise and political influence?
Here are some questions/issues Abigail should consider while preparing for her meeting with Alan:
• What are the corporate goals and business
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• Setting the team and timeline – what resources will be needed? More staffing, technology, training
• How will changes to policies, programs be communicated to employees?
• Recognize the program must be flexible and modifiable
• Monitor the program – survey and be open to enhancements. Request feedback from employees on your program’s service quality
• What does the data show – identify metrics to sell the business case to upper management
• How will they know if the IDAM program is effective? How will it be measured?
• What have the complaints been with the current STD provider – how can Abigail leverage this feedback to support her plan to bring the programs internally?
Secondly, Abigail wants to evaluate self-insuring GHI’s STD plan. The plan is up for renewal in three months. With the RTW program in place for transitional duty, the STD number is predicted by HR to go down.
These are some questions/issues Abigail should also consider:
• What do the absences look like? What are the top 10 diagnoses? Are there health programs that can be instituted that can help reduce the number of STD days such as smoking cessation, weight management, disease management,
The Business Analytics Department has compiled this report based on data supplied by DGHG. The purpose of this report is to use this data to answer several key questions set out by DGHG, along with providing information as to whether the company has been meeting its key performance indicators, as set out in the business plan. The questions this report will primarily address, are as follows:
a. Have all employees sign an acknowledgement form that they understand the new policy and corresponding procedures, and received training within 14 days of establishment of the new policy
Revenue recognition is one of the top causes for financial statement restatements. In addition, revenue recognition is an area commonly questioned by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) staff in their review of public filings and resultant comment letter process. Furthermore, revenue recognition is often prey to financial fraud.
The company dose not use a third party designee and the tax returns are signed by the president, Carlos Cruz.
Due to the information, 20 acres of land equal 80 sheep according to the exchange rate of last year, a one-room cabin equal 3 acres of land and equal 12 sheep finally, a plow equals 2 goat and equal 2/3 sheep according to last year’s exchange rate and 2 carts which were traded with a poor acre of land equals 8 sheep plus 400 sheep. So Deyonne’s total assets are 500(2/3) sheep. Deyonne’s liabilities and assets deduction are 35 sheep plus 3 sheep, which will come to 38 sheep,
Before reading this book titled Accounting Now by Mark Sasscer, I was merely familiar with a few elements of leadership skills that I obtained from my professional experiences. I recognized that becoming a great leader; one must be confident, communicate effectively, compassionate and be able to solve problems. However after reading this book, I discovered it was essential to have these elements along with other essentials and approach that will improve and reinforce my leadership skills now and in the future. According to Mark Sasscer, there are “Ten principles of Personal Leadership” that a leader can abide in order to be a successful leader. I will describe the ten principles, including my thoughts and the elements that significantly impacted my perception of accountability and leadership.
Making her way to her makeshift office, she contacted several agencies to help with the staffing of the department. Brooke felt it necessary to confidently share some of the information with them pertaining to the change over of staff and the relocation of providers to staff the anesthesia department.
This rating period has again found Kate exceling in the area of quality service. She uses good judgment in listening to the needs of callers and creating a conservative care plan which in turns is cost effective for the Division. She takes into consideration that all changes in health do not require more expansive services, but more of an adjustment in task time to meet the new request. Kate continues to rely on her experience as a investigative worker to assure she enters new hotline reports into Case Compass for assignment upon learning of potential ANE. This is particularly valuable as locally it is assured that referrals of ANE made this confirmation of self-entry utilizing the recent training by the training unit. Kate has completed
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An important strategy to consider would be monitoring states that are active in adopting the new health care reform. An analysis of the new reform and its impact on the VA should be studied. These factors can play a major role in the decisions to be made when making changes in Ms. Patton’s area of control.
To staff: It is important for staff to fully comprehend policies and procedures in order to carry them out as successfully as possible. Some of the following ways that will support them in doing this is re – training and having team meetings. These adjustments may allow the chance for staff and managers to discuss the pros and cons of any changes. It is essential for senior management to be encouraging and have a good understanding about the intended purposes. They can do this by demonstration within their setting. When these policies are introduced there is usually a designated member of staff who will take on the role of the
Question 1: The situation in this case study revolves around Sally, a member of the Board of Sally Susie's Donut Shop, Inc. (SSDS). SSDS uses an accrual method of accounting and over the past three years has seen volatile sales. Sally is unhappy with her previous tax advisor and wants new advice. Our task is to outline a preliminary interview with Sally to ensure that we ask the right questions.
To over view the knowledge we learnt from accounting theory and practice, the main thing I can conclude that is the tendency of accounting will shift away from technical way to people’s behaviour way. By understanding what should do, we should ask why and how we could improve and change it into a better way. This essay aims to explain how the theoretical material that we learn in lectures can be developed under a real practical manner.
How would you ensure you have consulted with your team effectively and identified the necessary resources required?
1. A brief history of the two organisations, and their objectives, in as far as they